C’mon Link, stand up for yourself! What’s wrong, Groose got your tongue?
By Ukinojoe
Posted by Fred "Trunks" Wood on March 25, 2012 · 1:41 PM |
Categories: Animated, Depressing, Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda, Video Clips, Wii · Leave a comment () 67 Comments |
Man she's got a mouth on her.
Am I riiiiiight?
Groose goes to New Jersey: Take 1.
That Zelda can only handle so many kidnappings…
Oh wait, that's Peach.
aww poor Groose
<img src="http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/038/1/c/funny_groose_by_shoocharu-d4oynv0.png" height="400" width="450">
All of the vocabulary I have learned over the years cannot describe my reaction to this video as well as this single word:
this was so terrible, i was wondering how it had 4 stars, theeeen it got to zelda's breakdown
That has to be the best insult to ever be given to the Hero of Time/Ocean/Light/Twilight/Hyrule/Trains/Small/Seasons/Ages/Recolors/Sky
Is it bad that Groose sobbing at the end actually tugs my heart strings a little?
Groose Redfield.
Did Zelda just get out of a traffic jam in Brooklyn or something?
Yet another thing I posted on here eons ago in a comment…*sigh* call me when Shawn fixes the forums…
Its sooooooo old -_-
All I need to be happy is a 1 hour video of that first scene… either I'm easy to please or I have a weird sense of humor. NO WAIT IT'S BOTH! :V
In the words of Hiimdaisy:
plot plot plot PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT!
Nobody can take an insult like Grooston.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/marzen64/tumblr_lya442M2Hx1qigxf4o1_500.gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
Every last inch of him's covered in hair!
Anyone else realize how much better this would've been with Groose's theme playing when he appears? Really.
Don't worry Groose, there'll always be that hand in the bathroom if you get lonely.
i wanna fight crime while flying a bird…
I think I just lost a few IQ points.
Oh, we're just friends? See if I save your ass again.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/zfRAr.png">
I find this horribly inaccurate! Groose is much more buff. D: Everything else seems legit.
<img src="http://img546.imageshack.us/img546/967/lonelygrooseton.jpg">
Life's hard sometimes… rel="nofollow">sometimes you just feel like you need to get away from things…
lol, I love the first 5 seconds of this video… its like what my mind is like all they time XP