Dick move Sephiroth! Man when that guy holds a grudge… he doesn’t let it go.
By John Pading [Crazy Buffet]. submitted by Dick Pound
Posted by Shawn Handyside on September 28, 2011 · 12:25 PM |
Categories: Artistic, Backstab, Chillaxin', Final Fantasy, No Caption Needed, Off Duty, Overkill, Sequential Art, Sports, Square Enix, Stabbey Stabbey, Swordplay · Leave a comment () 86 Comments |
She had it coming.
Finally, Sephiroths motives make sense.
Cloud was probably one of those kids that made fun of Sephiroth in high school… rel="nofollow"> Till he got his groove on!
Boy… that got the BALL ROLLING for their rivalry…
Dick Pound strikes again.
Not as good as Chris R. but still rel="nofollow">Pretty Good.
<img src="http://i56.tinypic.com/2gwvnh4.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
Get denied in middle / high school basketball game? Kill the guy's future love interest.
Dohoho, clearly a falsificate picture there, you can tell from Cloud showing actual emotions in the first frame…. Ridiculous.
Typical rival-like move. When your opponent is doing too good, kill a bystander that is cheering for your opponent.
Psh, Japanese guys playing basketball…
Did Fresh Prince start playing in anyone else's mind?
Sephiroth's actions are completely in the right, you didn't see where Cloud steals Sephiroth's space hook.
I would do the same. Even today I hate my brother because he play the final boss of Metroid Prime 2 in front of me when I was eating. I didn't have time to run and I saw everything.
God damns you, spoiler!
Since I'm trying to pierce the veils of nostalgia and fanboy-ism , this post is gonna be downvoted to all hell, but I stil want to speak my mind.
-- Jenova was the true villan
-- One Winged Angel is overated
-- Aeris/Aerith was a bimbo
-- Kefka was way better
I don't see why this should matter. They both obviously ditched basketball and took up swordplay anyway.
I think he took Ragequiting to the next level…
Sephiroth kind of looks like Edgeworth.
Good thing this doesn't happen in real life or else i would have killed a lot of people…
…*uses phoenix down*
Shawn should do a week where all of the posts have at least one great reaction image in them. :3
The day after this most sick of straight up denials occurred, the Shinra Corporation held a widespread campaign to outlaw B-ball from every corner of Gaia. Now, as he was unable to throw down in a one-on-one rematch with his counterpart, Sephiroth's rage could only grow until it finally boiled over, causing him ally himself with Jenova, the being that slammed down the first and by far most brutal dunk in the history of B-ball, and in fact, all of existence; taking a meteor and slamming that rock, using the planet of Gaia as her hoop.
Beaten in Basketball?
Oh yeah? crash bandicoot beat me at tennis on the WII… I locked his dead body in my basement, as a short version, Crash of the titans sucked anyways.
OBJECTION! The evidence of this scene clearly shows the killer was not Sephiroth. It was in fact, Cloud himself!
Shouldn't they be playing blitzball?
Looks like Sephiroth
Cut to the basket
That's the best I could do…
He stole my point, I stole his girlfriend. -Sephiroth
Please tell me Sephiroth's number isn't 34…
For a reference to a game I played in '99
<img src="http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r196/geek_marine/aerisdead1every.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
for shame Cloud! That's goal tending and you know it!
Look, Sephy, you may have killed my girlfriend so bad a feinix down won't save her, but that won't change the fact that yo' ass got DE-NIED on that b-ball court. No amount of mass murder will change that, dude.
Sephiroth should of passed it to Barrett, he's good at basketball
Cloud didnt let sephroth score so sephroth couldt let cloud score.