I mean sure it gives me lots of other things too… sand, coal, red stone, diamond. Also sometimes playing it so much it gives me a boner!
By Rob Balder [Check out his comic Erfworld, they just put their first book up for preorder!]

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Categories: Cock Joke, Minecraft, Motivational, PC, The Great Outdoors ![]() · Leave a comment (120 Comments) ![]() |
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My love for minecraft has become flaccid.
This is not the right image for this caption.
The right image for this caption would be an inv full of wood in the middle of a log cabin.
Fire: It gets rid of the wood fast.
Stupid jokes?
Instant e-peen reduction?
…OH MY GAWD IT'S APRIL FAILS DAwait why there's snow outside?
I sat up erect when I saw another post on Halolz, my interests peaked. But then I saw it was just another Minecraft submission so I slouched down again in disappointment. I'm not getting up again unless I see something more provocative. I've been having a long hard time trying to come up with something witty to say.
It gives me wood. Then I put the wood in a box.
I love the mountains
i love the clear blue sky
That's kind of messed up, Shawn.
Minecraft submissions: the new Halo submissions?
Screw the wood I have balls of steel…………wait, shit.
How about just *Insert wood here*?
I don't think I wood ever make a joke this bad.
You are now aware the text reads infinte wood.
alternate text for the demote:
"Punch trees
Get wood"
I tried Minecraft a little while ago and found it wasn't quite bad. A few character models were a bit stiff, and that first night is most definitely hard, but I've found that it stands tall as a great game as soon as you erect your first house that is able to keep you safe for a night. You're still up and quivering at every noise, but it that tension soon turns to excitement as you see the daylight. I wood appreciate if those damn creepers would just leave me alone and stop being such dicks though.
*Looks back over his comment*
Dammit, not again…
*inserts witty response about wood*
Get cancer, please.
Speaking of which, do Tree Ents get morning wood?
You have to plant seedling if you want more wood after a while, its not technically unlimited
gives me infinte spelling errors
And now to beat that wood!
…I mean punch it…yeah…that's what I meant…
thanks for sharing;
I'm on a bleach run, who wants some?
"Infinte wood" I read that as infant wood at first, then realized it was a typo. *Digs hole until reaching bedrock or lava, whichever comes first.
Osht, ID has chopped off 20 e-peen D:
Minecraft gives you infant wood?
Wood made from INFANTS?!
This joke did not have a fluid presentation.