Friday, March 14, 2025

Gamers Mistake Riot for Zombie Apocalypse
By Halolz Senior E3 2010 Correspondent Mike Moore

E3 2010 Zombie ApocolypseMany gamers, upon leaving some E3 after parties Thursday night, were confused to find a large police presence out on the streets of LA. The swathes of police in riot gear, and the prevalence of police helicopters, led many of these gamers to conclude that a zombie outbreak had occurred. It is reported that some offered their services to the police, boasting their Left 4 Dead stats and skills.

“We weren’t really sure what they were talking about,” said one unnamed police officer about his experience with one group, “They seemed pretty drunk, and seemed harmless so we left them alone. Eventually they went away yelling about umbrella and looking for pills or something.”

Reports seem to indicate that most of these after parties had open bars, which possible led to the gamers’ mistake in understanding the situation.

Additionally from what we have been about to piece together the police presence was due to the winning of some sort of non-video game event which occurred at the Staples Center arena. This was the same location Activision used for their press conference a few days earlier. We have contacted Activision, and are waiting to receive word if the two events were in any way connected.

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Posted by Michael Moore on June 22, 2010 · 3:11 PM 
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Articles, Capcom, Conventions, Drugs & Alcohol, Left 4 Dead, Paranoia, Party Time, Resident Evil, Sports, Valve Software, Zombies

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I hope they left in groups
Cause if one of them fell down, they would not be able to get back up
2 replies · active 768 weeks ago
After E3? Are you sure not during E3?


"Hey, I'm Gabe Newell."
5 replies · active 768 weeks ago
this just in.... CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!!!!
12 replies · active 768 weeks ago
during the so called "zombie outbreak" pharmacies were looted for most of their pills.
Yeah I often mistake a lot of things for signs of a zombie outbreak. Mass hysteria, riots, someone limping... creepy clowns at children's parties and/or carnivals. Particular the dark ones.

Edit: Gentlemen, with this post I have reached 69p!
9 replies · active 768 weeks ago
I went to a bar in the after parties. Ordered a molotov.
1 reply · active 768 weeks ago
If this had actually happened, we all know what to do. Kill all sons-of-bitches. That's our 'ficial instructions.
2 replies · active 768 weeks ago
All is going according to the plan...
What? What plan? What are you talking about? I'm not making riots or anything
4 replies · active 768 weeks ago
Francis hates misunderstandings.
3 replies · active 768 weeks ago
Proof that the hardest part about a zombie apocalypse... will be pretending that none of us are excited about it.
2 replies · active 768 weeks ago
If the zombie apocalypse happens I own this book so I can beat all the zombies with it.

I recommend you to buy this book or a semi-automatic rifle, or a giant satellite laser beam.
4 replies · active 767 weeks ago
Let's see them brag when they can pull off Shoryukens on burgulars.
...This can't be real... Mike, tell me you just made this up... please...
5 replies · active 768 weeks ago

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