Wow, uh… my brain just broke. [SHUTTING DOWN]
Submitted by Marcel Oyuela
Categories: Aerial Maneuvers, Cray-Z Crossovers, Disguises, Disturbing, Epic Games, Explosives, Extreme CloseUp, Failure, Gears of War, Half-Life, Haxorz, Health & Fitness, Internets, Left 4 Dead, Moving Violations, Nintendo, PC, Portal, Science/Math, Stabbey Stabbey, StarFox, Tasty Treats, Team Fortress 2, The Great Outdoors, Too Much Free Time, Valve Software, Video Clips, Weird



This is the best thing I've seen in HALOLZ so far, and yes, I've been following this site for a few years.
+5 cool points for the maker of this film.
I just one an internet!
Inspired by TalkingBidoof’s rant, which made me laugh:
Common Internet Leech
Genus: Homo Patheticus
The Common Internet Leech has been spotted from the temperate wilds of DeviantART to the suburbs of Newgrounds, to the rolling hills of Halolz, and anywhere in between. Notable is 4chan, where the Leeches congregate in mass numbers.
Leeches generally live around 20-25 years, but this is a vague figure. By this time, the Leeches usually, but not always, outgrow the confines of their lifestyle.
Leeches are noted for their explicit lack of talent, which causes them to seek out memes, video or audio, or text postings that they may attempt to mimic in order to gain themselves a modicum of credit or “lulz”. A truly original work is beyond the scope of a Leech’s understanding.
Leeches are considered repulsive by the majority of the Internet community, but unfortunatly, continue to breed, possibly asexually.
CAUTION: If you feel a Leech is in the vicinity, leave the area quickly and quietly. Do not attempt to communicate with the Leech, and DO NOT attempt to discuss the Leech’s “work” with it. Leeches are sensitive on this subject, and can become hostile if provoked. Many a poor Web-citizen has been found with a complete neurological shutdown instigated by the incessent jabbering noises that a Leech can produce.
I swear that was John Freeman walking to wards the fallen camera @ the end.
I had cake after watching this. it was black forest cake or something like that :P