Just in case you need some more TF2 achievements to unlock this weekend… Robbie1212 has you covered!

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Categories: Achievement Unlocked, Heavy Weapons, PC, Tasty Treats, Team Fortress 2, Things Are Heating Up, Valve Software ![]() · Leave a comment (41 Comments) ![]() |
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Man, these are all funny, but the last two are just priceless. XD
i lkei paneuts
hahaha, fundamentalist XD
The stickies one is very true of me.
I guess I'm just a BAD DEMOMAN!
I've achieved death sentence, like, three times now. I'm a very, very bad soldier.
Gone in a puff of logic. Not such a good way to die.
Better than a sticky bomb up the arse, though.
Personally, I'm guilty of all but the first and last. I've never seen fit to waste three minutes when I could be walking like a retarded turtle, and I'm not the most airborne soldier.
If these where included in game, I would buy it now.
Damnit, there's no firsts anymore, see you at the bottom of the list!
Ah, I'm guilty of "Oh ****." I wonder how many times I've set up the perfect plan, only to have it foiled by a teammate…
The first one should be called "Vhy iz it not vorking?".
theres not one of these that i dont like
I would SO do the last one, it made me EL OH EL like a retard
wheres my death sentence achievment =/ i did it like 20 times already
Sigh… why aren't there achievements for doing something stupid.
I mean, some games have achievements for doing useless things (E.G the "Burnout" achievement from Mercs 2) but nothing has an achievement for fucking up royally.
Check that, call of duty 4 on PC has "goodbye" for falling 30 feet to your death.
But still, here are a few I would like to see in a game.
"How the FUCK did you?!" Find a way to kill yourself with your own melee.
"Leroyyoufuckingsuck" Get separated from the rest of your team and utterly pwn3d
"Fuck you" Put a landmine at a friendly spawn point
"Oopsy daisy" Horribly Misunderestimate the blast radius of your C4.
I need TF2.
Nuff said.
I know someone who'd get the Fundamentalist achievement…
Fun achievements for L4D:
"We don't need no water" Firebomb a safe room.
"LEEEEEEROOOOOYYY!!!!" Abandon your team mates and B-line for the safe room.
"OMG, BUTTONZ!" Alert the hoard without waiting for your team mates.
"What did I miss?" AFK during a crescendo event.
"EEK! BOOMER!" Shoot a boomer as your team mates attempt to melee it to a safe distance.
"HAX!" Repeatedly accuse the AI director of hacking.
"What is that? What the FUCK is that!?" Team chat in a voice that is 3-4 octaves higher than any normal human voice should be.
"Trapped in a box" Play with no mic and shoot your team mates to try to get them to do what you want.
"MINE!" As a hunter, pounce on the only player that is already being held down by a smoker.
Pretty good, but I feel as if some of the achievements could have had more clever names, like "Try and Try Again" could have been "Burnt Weenie", and "Death Sentence" could have been "Failure to Launch".
Other than that, it was pretty good. Makes me wish for some actual anti-achievements.
is the website to make these
P.S im the guy who made em
heh heh Ive done fundamentalist like five times…. BLUE SPY FTW!