Wednesday, February 19, 2025

NY Comic Con 2008… MISSAN COMPWEE!

Just a quick update… the posters were a hit (I think they were all gone by Saturday) so they will definitely be going up for sale on the interwebs soon.

Also the site still seems to be running despite my being out of town for like five days, so that’s a good sign. I never mentioned it but I updated a lot of the site software last week and so far things seem to be holding together so I guess that all worked out.

Oh and since the site is growing, I’ve decided to add a second editor to help me keep up with lawl processing. More info on that later!
(No applications plz, the position has already been filled!)

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on April 22, 2008 · 4:23 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (26 votes, average: 3.50 out of 5)
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Conventions, Merchandise, News

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So... Who is the lucky devil?
glad i got my poster on friday then! saturday was crazy, so many people there! so many people dressed up, errr, cosplaying! was a good time, must go back next year
I went there Saturday at around 1 or 2 and they said there were only 2 posters left and they were in the display cases... they didn't give me the display case but i got the second to last poster! who got last?
I can't wait to order my own Halolz poster

@ killercartoons, too bad the convention wasn't a couple of weeks later so you would have had a poster with your awesome moon

My already stolen by another!!!!!
rikumelenium's avatar

rikumelenium · 878 weeks ago

"I never mentioned it but I updated a lot of the site software last week and so far things seem to be holding together so I guess that all worked out."

so thats why halolz never really loads as fast as it did for me...
Do you mean it's loading slower now than it was before? It could be a cache issue... I'll look into it.
You misspelled "Mission" and "Complete". Just had to point that out.
Good to know that the posters did well, too bad I was too far away to go... Oh well.


I think that may have been on purpose...
So are the posters print-outs? Like a panorama?
I wanted one of those posters so bad! Damn me for being across the freakin country!

Oh, and who's the new guy who's going to be doing updates and such?
rikumelenium's avatar

rikumelenium · 877 weeks ago

yes shawn, the site used to load up in less than a second. now it takes like, 3-4 seconds to load :/ im not very used to it

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