A musical instrument worthy of Deadpool himself!
By Bryan Lacie [KakuJomics], submitted by AManWithACloak
Posted by Shawn Handyside on November 21, 2011 · 12:34 PM |
Categories: Artistic, Nintendo, Secret Items, Sequential Art, Storytime/Wordplay, The Legend of Zelda · Leave a comment () 81 Comments |
that was… very thoughtful of you…
ok, i will shut up…
<img src=http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h416/kitsuneronin/chrissaria.jpg>
Ohdearsweetlord this turned out mildly disturbing…
(lol tf2 reference)
you just broke the first rule of the zelda club. you don't breack the fourth wall.
As I recall, one of the things Saria tells you when you play Saria's Song is that she would like to see you face-to-face sometimes. So, I warped over to the forest to talk to her….. and she reminds me that I can talk with her any time using Saria's Song.
Too bad it wasn't blue.
That Links a spy!
He can only say hyaaa!
But now he can't do all the songs since this ocarina has half the holes the original one had.
Y'now, I never really noticed until the fourth panel…
Why does Link wear a skirt and Saria wears shorts?
Nice Ocarina Link. You just better hope those thoughts of yours can create a sword and shield because you seem to be missing something.
Mind was blown.
Pinkie Pie and Deadpool, meet your new challenger.
I will admit, I took me a moment to get that last part. And secondly, what about the holes on the underside, now link can't play… well… anything
…HOLD THE PHONE. Saria's grandmother!? Think about that a sec… SARIA'S. GRANDMOTHER.
Waiting for it…
And then it turns out that Ocarina is silent. Get it? Huh? Huh huh huh? Do ya?
Fine, here's Summer Glau's cat face(s).
<img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y103/AttilaTheBum/summercatsmile.jpg">
Hey Look! A French Horn!
Of course the laws of reality don't apply. Link was talking.
ellipses bitches!
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D!*
*4th wall not included
Sure sounds like something from Zelda's bedroom alright.
rel="nofollow">The joke here is…
I tried this and it didn't work.
Wait…….breaking the fourth wall? THAT CAN'T HAPPEN IN ZELDA!
Then again, who wouldn't want to punch a cucco?
It's better than the one I found in the sewer outside Hyrule Castle town!
It's a good thing link doesn't talk much, cause you know he'll keep all those speech bubbles in his pocket
And with this ! he can have a light saber too.
Or you can just find a dirty one in the water.
Link… Spoke…
Mind Blown
<img src="http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/307201_2355658926283_1094517012_2757975_1712539163_n.jpg" /img>
Link… Spoke…
Mind Blown
<img src="http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/307201_2355658926283_1094517012_2757975_1712539163_n.jpg" /img>
O hai, I noticed your fourth wall's missing.
W+Minus1 pyros are the worst. >:C
+1s to everybody I didn't already up/downvote.
So, about this GG-Guys Week?
<img src="http://i.qkme.me/6fu8.jpg" width="304" height="680">
<img src="http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/203/4/9/zelda__replaced_by_teh_akuma_yoru-d41bmlt.png">
No breaking the 4th wall in Zelda? am I the only one who remembers the Tingle-Tuner?
Given that Link is usually the silent protagonist, he should have a lot of those ocarinas.
So.. could he play the other word bubbles as insturments? what kind of noise would they make?