Monday, March 24, 2025

Only in dreams.
By crazyhalo.

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Posted by Fred "Trunks" Wood on May 28, 2014 · 8:17 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (22 votes, average: 4.91 out of 5)
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Half-Life, Super Smash Bros, Team Fortress 2

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It's kind of sad to see the ghost town of Haloz.
An abandoned settlements of lost dreams, lost hopes, and lost laughs.
Do you remember when we got a new post every day, and all we cared about was E-Peen? I never even made it to 100p. Not that it matters now.
We took this place for granted. Now look at us. Scrounging for every little Kratlol and poorly edited meme we can get.

Look on to the east and the west, and see the portraits of the once mighty gods known as Captain Falcon and Wolf O'Donnel. Where did they go off to?
It's been years since we paid proper homage to them.
Perhaps because we abandoned them that they abandoned us. Or perhaps we misplaced our faith to begin with.
In any case,it doesn't look like they'll be saving any of us any time soon.

Do you remember the server? The server's first rule was that no one talks about it. And now no one remembers it.
It was filled to the brim every day and every night, one struggled to get in. Every day people would party and play fine music. The hardcore and casual alike fought together and against each other. Epic moments and hilarious times were to be had by all, as characters of all shapes and personalities would make the server great.
Barely a soul wanders by it now. Maybe it gets a few bursts of visitors to put on the facade of new life. Perhaps an update here and there in a poor attempt to attract the straglers. Who knows what it has now? Nobody goes anymore.

Do you remember the olden days of Halolz?
Do you remember the namesake this place?
Do you remember the foundations this ruin of former greatness was placed on?
That Halolz will never return.
Do you remember the Movie Mondays?
Do you remember the festivals known as wolf Wednesdays and Falcon Fridays?
That Halolz will never return.
Do you remember?
It's all we can do now.
That Halolz will never return.

Have you hope that one day the great Handyside will once again turn his eye upon us?
Or have you hope that one day a new ruler will bring us laughs and joys?
Then Falcon speed you stragglers.
Maybe a new dawn will come.
Until then we can only remember.
Until then we can do nothing but wait.
12 replies · active 543 weeks ago
I will still be waiting.
4 replies · active 554 weeks ago

Gee, it sure is dead around here!
7 replies · active 540 weeks ago
1 reply · active 552 weeks ago
Also only in dreams:
A new submission.
So who am I gonna have to sacrifice to the almighty Gaben to turn this into reality?
16 replies · active 563 weeks ago
R.I.P. Robin Williams. He was my favorite actor and comedian, and my inspiration to get into acting and comedy. He's the reason I try to be funny, to try and give people the same happiness that he gave me growing up. I can't believe he is really gone. He was my hero.

"To die would be a grand adventure!" -Peter Pan (Hook, 1991)

1 reply · active 553 weeks ago
A new TF2 short and the site hasn't posted it yet? What has happened to us?!
2 replies · active 557 weeks ago
7 replies · active 561 weeks ago
You know what I haven't done in a while? Post a rant.
Today's my birthday, and I turned 20.

Odd as this sounds, I actually started lurking Halolz on my this day five years ago. I had no idea why, I guess I just treated myself to it at the time. So I've basically been a part of this site for five years now.

The dynamic of this place has been really weird for me. I mean now it's just dead with a bunch of random posters just posting whatever since we're not moving along anymore, so... anytime's a good time to say this huh?

Through the years I've gone through a bunch of different phases I suppose. At first, I was socially awkward and quiet, kind of obnoxious but only because I really liked being around people, never to know the wiser until a while later. And I'm sure some of you can recall that I was a bit of a white knight internet hero over the dumbest things. Hell, this whole wall will probably sound like that in due time. I also remember how prone to being angry I was, mistaking it as a way to get my points across effectively. Not good!

Anyway moving on, I did sense something special about this place. The sense of togetherness the community had was something that was new to me in my life, since... well, I was left out a lot. But I'm not gonna indulge in a sob story here. Point being, I knew sticking around would have its benefits, even if my reputation had its negatives.
It's just at the time I found this place, it was hard finding a respectable game community you know? Funny, yes, I'm aware, that I found a game community with a buncha crazy nerds to be respectable. It's a massive irony looking back at it but somehow it was true. I really got to grow as a person and even if I made a lot of pretentious and unfunny comments, I still made a lot of good memories being an active component of these messages. Like Falcon Heene! Everybody loved that submission! :D

Jokes aside, I don't even really know how many of you will see this but I'm not here to garner more e-peen like the rest of us did, 69p monocle status and all that we used to have (Remember that? Yeah me neither anymore... oh hey I have 119. Younger me would feel like the biggest hero.) I feel it's necessary to post this here, just because going to this one site has changed my life a lot through a series of unlikely turns and events. So even if it's about to become Staccato status, I feel the place itself was vital enough for me to leave this dumb, huge speech.

I have considered just plain leaving the comments section like a lot of the older Halolz members. The majority of them have just plain stopped checking the site overall to be honest. In whichever case I don't think I'm going to stop coming back here, I've felt too strong of an attachment to leave. It's kind of pathetic in hindsight, but personally I don't mind.

Even though this place is about to become Staccato status, I might just keep returning anyway simply because.

And for those of you that stuck around at whatever point in time, despite whether you see this or not, thanks to you too. People wouldn't normally see it as anything, but I guess, even if just for today, I saw you all as attempting parts to enrich the comments sections.

And if by some CRAZY weird coincidence Shawn ever decides to run his eyes past these lines, despite whatever stalling, laziness, or business you had to attend to, and also despite your lack of interaction with the community itself for most of this site's life, I still want to thank you for having the idea to make Halolz and going through with it.
I've met an unbelievable amount of irreplaceable friends because of it. It's shape up my character for the rest of my teenage years. I don't know where I'd be in life without this place. All things considered I really do owe it this one speech. A site founded on INTERNET MEMES.

It's made such an unlikely yet hugely positive influence on me over these last five years, that I can't possibly see it as anything to regret.

A curse on my being I'll carry to my grave.

One I'll gladly carry for the rest of my life.
7 replies · active 539 weeks ago
Come on, Shawn. At least post this
As I'm sure most of you have heard, Marvel has announced that The Falcon is going to become the new Captain America.

So does this make him Captain Falcon, our Lord and Savior?
1 reply · active 557 weeks ago
I'm just gonna start posting yuri until the site is back up.

76 replies · active 538 weeks ago
19 replies · active 534 weeks ago
Day 28-12:00 PM

It's been almost a month now since the last Halolz post. Over the past few weeks, I've come across several video game related pictures and videos that would be perfect for giving this site another jumpstart, but it refuses to accept any of them.

Several people have tried putting life back into this site, but I fear its on its last legs. It simply refuses to update with anymore pictures or videos. It's almost as if this website has lost the will to live.

As a designer(Not really), it's my job to give the hopeful fans the bad news, but how am I supposed to look in the eyes of all these hopeful faces and tell them that their favorite site does not seem to want to live?

It's days like this that make me question becoming a web designer. (Again, not really.)
1 reply · active 557 weeks ago
Badonk confirmed they're working on something special to do with Halolz. Just like he said they were working on the forums.

(It means we're dead.)
5 replies · active 555 weeks ago
7 replies · active 547 weeks ago
No Ammo/Health Packs. Scout Only. 2FORT.
5 replies · active 557 weeks ago
I'll post this here since Trunks isn't taking submissions... and its relevant:

Also, HOW YOU EMBED VIDEO! I can't figured it out and the embeder in the corner just keeps saying it can't parse it!
1 reply · active 559 weeks ago
I decided to Tweet to Trunks in the hopes of getting this sorted...this is the response I got:

Me: "Hey Trunks, it's been 73 days or 2 months & 12 days since @Halolz was last updated. Any news man? The gang is dying there."

From Fred Trunks Wood ‏@thatsmytrunks:

"Sorry man, I’m not in charge of Halolz anymore. I don’t mean to leave the community high and dry, but it’s Shawn’s baby to take care of. I enjoyed my time there and I loved you all."

Take that as you will.
7 replies · active 553 weeks ago

I miss Shenanigans here.
2 replies · active 553 weeks ago

still has more chances of a release than Episode 3
2 replies · active 555 weeks ago
So, check this out:

You can play Super Smash Bros. 4 (Wii U) with GameCube Controllers. You just have to buy an accessory.
1 reply · active 564 weeks ago
Don't forget this gem from 5 years ago:
1 reply · active 564 weeks ago
1 reply · active 533 weeks ago
Hey guys! Strawberry and I were thinking about buying a domain and a hosting plan for a New Halolz.

Propose a name!
24 replies · active 543 weeks ago
I propose a name change to Super Source Bros.
I'm bored so I'm pretending that it's Charizard's birthday while playing the Phoenix Wright trilogy.

Happy new year everyone. I just wish to have the dedication to chat with you guys on Skype more.
5 replies · active 531 weeks ago
On the bright side I became I professional gamer since this submission. Flying out to California to compete in the ESL finals :D
2 replies · active 547 weeks ago
Greetings, commentors of Halolz.
A while ago, some of us older members (who actually remember the old forums) migrated to a new one, created by our very own DA. At first it started as a place for us to play the forum based game, Mafia. But now it's more of a standard forum. If you'd like to check it out, you're more than welcome to join us.
Vulgar language and lewd content warning. (mainly yuri and hand-holding) And please be sure to read the rules before posting.
8 replies · active 552 weeks ago
I miss when we broke 100 comments just because a post was popular.
2 replies · active 549 weeks ago
Five days.

It's been five days since Mario Kart 8 came out, and neither Trunks nor Shawn has posted anything about THIS.
5 replies · active 561 weeks ago
I wanna play the one that uses a gun.
Hello, everyone. I've been a lurker here for a long time, think I had a few comments & replies some time long ago. I've been coming back here persistently, and with news of the potential new situation of smashlolz developing thanks to Alpar and the Milk cartons, I'll probably go on to lurk there, and hopefully it will succeed as much as this place once did. (and in some ways, kinda still does). The community here is absolutely amazing, and its been really great to watch everything as it has unfolded. Here's to one of the greatest communities in gaming!
A new Mad Max movie helmed by the original director, the first teaser (apparently) debut for Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, the first image of Gal Godot as Wonder Woman, Joaquin Phoenix confirmed for Doctor Strange in the live action movie, footage of the final Hobbit movie and of the impending Simpsons/Family Guy crossover have surfaced at SDCC since the two months this post has been up. And that's NOT mentioning that Dragon Ball Z Kai uncensored and Gurren Lagann have been confirmed to head to Toonami the same month Peter Capaldi takes the reign as the Doctor, Guardians of the Galaxy premieres in theaters, and a marathon of every single episode (including the movie in its proper place) of the Simpsons' 25-year long history starts on FXX. Well, hopefully this thing that I just submitted will revive the site:
3 replies · active 555 weeks ago
I came here to post this, not embedded because that function is broke.
Gaben would make this. It would come with the first third of the characters, you'd have to buy another third a few years later, and we'd be waiting till the end of days for the final batch of characters.
400th comment bishes! \m/(^.^)\m/

...sorry, don't know what came over myself.
1 reply · active 536 weeks ago
Brawl in the Family officially ended today. This must be a year of endings.
2 replies · active 546 weeks ago
We're approximately 15 days and 8 hours away from a consecutive 3 month drought.
2 replies · active 553 weeks ago
I had an epiphany during one of my infrequent caffiene binges.

What if Halolz itself is a unique format for a forum, and each post is a topic? What if the "FORUMS" button is an elaborate hoax?

*cracks knuckles and grabs a shovel* I need to do more digging. Onward! To battle and shovelry!
1 reply · active 553 weeks ago
So.....I just have one thing to say right now.


1 reply · active 558 weeks ago
With Christmas right around the corner, I leave you a present. A heart warming tale of the season that will last through the ages.
Would you look at this. This was my first website when I was a kid. I don't know exactly how long ago I started following this website, but needless to say if I zone out enough and simply click on the address bar, this is one of the urls that I begin to type out.

I'm fairly certain I've made less than 100 comments with this account, but even then, I just wanted you guys to know that I've been here, this whole time. I barely said anything, it even took me a couple years to simply make this account, but I've been there. It's sad to see a website like this go, and I guess it's a sign that I'm getting older, where I've actually gotten to the point where websites begin to fade away.

I don't have much else to say. I'm very sad now. I just wanted you guys to know that this website is basically a part of me now, and that I'll always appreciate it.
Ask a guy with a demo of Smash 3DS anything.
8 replies · active 548 weeks ago

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