Lets face it, the hired models at E3 have to put up with a lot!
By TheWarpZone, submitted by Brian F.

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Categories: Awkward Moments, Conventions, Creepy/Spooky, Photo Op, Strike A Pose, Video Clips ![]() · Leave a comment (65 Comments) ![]() |
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<img src="http://i.imgur.com/xusTh.jpg"/>
I don't know how to respond…
The shirt.
I get it.
This man is my absolute hero.
EDIT: I'm watching this again, its like a train wreck, you can't look away
Im sure he blew up when he got back home looking at those photo's.
Everyone here is a creeper. It's just that some of us are self-aware.
I was expecting a MInecraft announcement from E3. I'm disappointed.
This is why I like PAX, they don't allow tits advertising the games.
Unless there are explosions involved, it is not a creeper.
I would probably end up acting like that too. Only, not on purpose.
So he's a perverted Keith Apicary that looks like Anthony Burch?
I went to E3 once. I can't remember what they were showing, other than copious amounts of babe. Probably wasn't important anyway.
<img src="http://narwhaler.com/img/e8/u/why-would-you-post-that-spiderman-E8Uia3.jpg">
Has anyone else noticed a general correlation between post rating and the number of +1s' awarded to the comments of said post?
It's sad how even a Dicklett can get higher votes this.
I really do hope that he told them afterwards… I really dislike how we gamers are seen as shallow, perverted and degrading to be be near. Not saying that all of us are genuinely nice people but I'd say the ratio of perv/non-perv isn't really all that far off from the rest of the cliques.
Also I was hoping it'd be a MC creeper walking around and scaring people at E3. <.<
Why is this guy's shirt collar so low? Seriously, was that on purpose or is he just a poor boy from a poor family?
<img src=http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/21902202.jpg>
My reaction when I saw this… rel="nofollow">
It could've been worse though.
<img src="http://blog.vh1.com/files/2011/10/halloween_thecreep-1319652578.jpg" width="400" height="300" />
Any excuse to post Lonely Island is a good cause!
Here's a completely unrelated image I'm posting to try and redeem the submission.
<img src=http://puu.sh/AquD.png>
Aside from Ubisoft and Nintendo's 3DS conference, no it didn't.
The Last of Us, Watch Dogs, Halo 4, Assassin's Creed 3, it's not that E3 didn't have any games, it's more that you guys are impossible to please.
My e-peen's gonna suffer for this…
Woah wait what the two Falcons with silly hats at around 2:14
These are Captain Falcons wearing unusual hats. HOW HAS NO ONE NOTICED YET?
(A: Cleavage)