Shawn Handyside is quite possibly the most illusive creature to have ever roamed the Earth. For years he has dodged your queries pertaining to all aspects of internet livelihood, but I, Fred “Trunks” Wood, have managed to tie him down for an hour so of intense, honest* questioning. Shawn will be on The Bancast on Thursday night for an hour or so, forced to answer select questions from you, the denizens of Halolz and by proxy, The Church of Falcon.
Send in your questions to the Almighty Ask Box and have them answered on tomorrow night’s show.
*Honest is a relative term. Any question Shawn answers to falsely will be considered “pretty honest, for Shawn.”
Posted by Fred "Trunks" Wood on March 21, 2012 · 6:41 PM |
Categories: News, Podcasts · Leave a comment () 48 Comments |
I probably wouldn't have agreed to this if I knew he was going to use such an unflattering photo!
Is that LittleKuriboh?
…yeah I sent in a question about what must not be named. I mentioned. The F Word.
A chance for everyone to ask a question for Shawn to answer. This will probably end badly.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie-Pop?
Let's ask Shawn : What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Shawn! When are you gonna order a new coffee maker?!? This one's still broken!
Shawn, when are you going to change Halolz background?
<img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
Here's a stumper for Shawn:
Why so serious?
Shawn, I see your Towering Pillar.
Where can I get me one a them?
Elusive, not illusive
Some of my friends have a few questions for you:
<img src="" width="250">
"Are you a boy or a girl?"
<img src="" width="400">
<img src="" width = "300">
Shawn, if you were a hat, whose head would you adorn?