Click here to view the full forum argument between “pokepizza” and “Ethan” as they debate the semantics of proper Pokémon naming etiquette!
From RarityGuide.com, submitted by several people

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Categories: Awkward Moments, Best Friends 4-Eva, Internets, Nintendo, Obnoxious, Pokémon ![]() · Leave a comment (183 Comments) ![]() |
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I don't think it was staged. Take a look at his post history, he frequently asks stupid questions. Unless he were some kind of maniacal genius, planning everything step by step from the beginning, there's no way he could have organized this.
someone expliain to me WHY these phycos are arguing anout a phyduck and duskull, and why its important.
*reads posts*
Well, at least thats ov --
*sees page numbers*
Oh please no….
'Well, maybe I'll only feed her DRY POFFINS wich she DISLIKES'
O.O He just went TO FAR.
Wow, I thought that was common knowledge. Maybe I shouldn't tell Pokepizza that that a green vaporeon is shiny -- he/she might try to heal it.
I like how pokepizza wont trade killerhamster cause he only has one Bidoof
Gary Motherfucking Oak was there, Pokepizza is a little bitch!
This reminds me of the WOW Alt-F4 comment, which got an ascii-art facepalming Picard from Blizzard.
You just gotta be grateful for these morons providing the daily LOLs.
I like how ethan wants to trade yellowducky back for a Bidoof named killerhamster
but pokepizza doesnt want to because killerhamster is the only Bidoof he has
King of the party poopers.
Oh god, I saw this a few weeks ago. I wish I'd seen this when it was still open, I'd go in, announce that my sister has a female Tropius named Fred and that it is awesome, then leave.
My idea to name it Fred, she asked for a name, I suggested Fred, and by the time she'd put the name in, she realised it was a girl. She kept the name and now it's a running joke between us THAT I HAD TO SHARE WITH YOU CRAZY INTERNET FOLKS.
I have a female zangoose named Philip
Would have been funny if not completely fake. Ethan joined about a month after Pokepizza. Supposedly he introduced PP to the site. Doesn't add up.
good job pointing this out!
+1 for you!
Holy crap… +1 to you, man. you need it.
Seriously, how did you get -48? you don't seem like a troll…
I said something that a lot of people disagreed with a long time ago. Don't even remember what it was. Possibly was drunk. >.>
happens to the best of us
I was really hoping for an "OBJECTION!" after you pointed out those contradictions.
Still, you won your +1 sir.
Come to think of it, who's old enough to be allowed and know how to post on forums, yet young enough to name a psyduck something as childish as Yellowducky?
Saw this the other day. It was one of the best reads of my life. And I've read Jane Eyre.
lol i have the best name EVAR i named my first ever cyndaquil (spelling)
dun da da DAAA: Bad
It seemed The argument was about to come to a close with the Ralts for Yellowducky trade until Pokepizza had to get butthurt about finding a ralts and basically destroyed any progress he had made in the argument.
I think the admins should have let this go on and seen what would have happened
I know it's a bit late, but you're kidding me with this, right? This is trolling at some of it's most obvious people, I thought it was made the most evident when the troll called his psyduck a "prisoner of war" and named off his other pokemon.
Pokepizza: "yellowducky is a cute name. He is yellow and he is a ducky. So I named him yellowducky"
…you can't beat his logic Ethan.
lulz were had
Someone should mention to Pokepizza that psyduck is not a duck. It's a platypus.
Its funny because a bunch of those names dont fit into the naming screen.