Woody, is there anything you don’t hate? Oh wait… he doesn’t hate vests!
By Bleaker
Posted by Shawn Handyside on October 3, 2009 · 12:46 PM |
Categories: Left 4 Dead, Movies, PC, Valve Software, Xbox 360, Zombies · Leave a comment () 66 Comments |
"Just gonna take a little off the-" *Boomer Explosion* Oh god! It's in my eyes!!"
how is he suppose to hit him if hes looking the wrong way?
o wait its francis :O
Looks more like a bearded fat man to me.
Like Santa!
i hate grocery stores
Francis is starting to become like wolf in the sense that he's always photoshopped in the same pose.
That was my though exactly when I saw that trailer.
Run Woodie! If he pukes on you he'll call the store clerks!
*clean up on aisle—-*
Awwww, goddammit, the thing threw up on me!!
shoot it before it gets close
knowing both francis AND woody, he's gonna get incapped and start crying.
I never noticed before, but he looks a LOT like Francis. I bet if we took off that hat it'd be him.
Shawn: he also doesn't hate Chuck Norris or Mr. T.
"Bill, can you take a look on aisle three? I think something is going dow--*gunshot* HOLY S***!!! What the hell was that?!?!?"
you know what i dont hate
I saw that joke coming the minute I first saw the first Zombieland trailer.I said the same thing in the theater.
yay im not the only one who thought this
…Well, certainly is ugly enough to be a Boomer. But which ugly one is the Boomer…?
This brings up a good question…how do zombies get fat? im pretty sure brains are low carb.