[VIDEO] The Wii Didn’t Start the Fire
December 15, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Accessories, Activision, Arcade, Atari, BioWare, Blizzard, Bomberman, Bungie, Call of Duty, Capcom, Castlevania, Christmas, Donkey Kong, Doom, Dreamcast, Duke Nukem, Electronic Arts, Fallout, Final Fantasy, Gameboy, Genesis, God of War, Grand Theft Auto, Guitar Hero/Rock Band, Half-Life, Halo, ID Software, Kingdom Hearts, Kirby, Konami, LucasArts, Mario Kart, Mass Effect, Maxis, Mega Man, Metal Gear Solid, Metroid, Microsoft, Monkey Island, Mortal Kombat, Musical, N64, Neo Geo, NES, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Oregon Trail, Pac-Man, PC, Playstation, Pokémon, Political, Pong, Prince of Persia, Rare, Red Ring of Death, Resident Evil, Retro, Sega, SimCity/The Sims, SNES, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sony, Space Invaders, Square Enix, Star Wars, Starcraft, StarFox, Super Mario Bros, Super Smash Bros, Systems, Tetris, The Legend of Zelda, Things Are Heating Up, Tomb Raider, TV Shows, Ubisoft, Uncategorized, Video Clips, Wii, Williams/Midway, World of Warcraft, Xbox 360
Should it worry me that this song sums up my entire life in four minutes? Nah…
By PopeFriction, submitted by KHPandaZ and smashpro1
Super Smash Bros. Dinner Party
November 25, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Chillaxin', Donkey Kong, Earthbound, F-Zero, Fire Emblem, Game & Watch, Ice Climber, Kid Icarus, Kirby, Konami, Metal Gear Solid, Metroid, Nintendo, Now We're Cookin', Off Duty, Party Time, Pikmin, Pokémon, Sega, Sonic the Hedgehog, StarFox, Super Mario Bros, Super Smash Bros, Swordplay, Teamwork, The Legend of Zelda, Things Are Heating Up, Yoshi's Island
Luigi decided to invite everyone over to his place for Thanksgiving! What a nice guy!
Hmm speaking of which, where is our illustrious host?
Artist unknown, submitted by Victory63
Video Game Zombies
October 30, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Anime, Artistic, Creepy/Spooky, Earthbound, Halloween, Holidays, Kirby, Nintendo, Pokémon, Sega, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, TV Shows, Uncategorized, Yoshi's Island, Zombies
Nothing says Halloween like your favorite video game characters zombiefied! And just for the hell of it I threw in the zombified cast of Avatar The Last Airbender as well!
These were all done by my pal Josh Mirman! You can also check out his stuff on DeviantArt!
[VIDEO] Captain Falcon VS Brawl
October 1, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Donkey Kong, Explosives, F-Zero, FALCON PAAAANCH, Fire Emblem, Fists of Fury, Game & Watch, Ice Climber, Kickin' It, Kid Icarus, Kirby, Konami, Kung-Fu, Lucky Day, Metal Gear Solid, Metroid, Nintendo, Pokémon, Sega, Smashy Smashy, Sonic the Hedgehog, Special Attacks, StarFox, Strike A Pose, Super Mario Bros, Super Smash Bros, Teamwork, The Legend of Zelda, Things Are Heating Up, Uncategorized, Video Clips, WarioWare, Wii, Yoshi's Island
What do you mean Captain Falcon is bottom tier in Brawl? NOT IN MY BOOK!
Also don’t forget to stick around after the credits!
By target=”_blank”>MegaBlasta. submitted by Randoman_88
June 21, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Moving Violations, Nintendo, Super Smash Bros, WarioWare, Wii
Card games on motorcycles?! target=”_blank”>CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!
For our friends at YuGiOh Abridged.
[VIDEO] What Happens When Captain Falcon Gets His Falcon Punch
June 12, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Explosives, F-Zero, FALCON PAAAANCH, Fists of Fury, Left 4 Dead, Nintendo, PC, Special Attacks, Super Smash Bros, Tasty Treats, Valve Software, Video Clips, Weird
They’ve had a lot of weird spin-offs of the original When Louis Gets His Pills video… but I can’t help posting this one (even if it is a little late for Falcon Friday).
By JohnSegway, submitted by Mauricio
February 26, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Lords of the Dance, Nintendo, Super Mario Bros, Super Smash Bros, WarioWare, Wii
Now come on William D, we get enough of these from the gorons!
Mario’s Valentine
February 13, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Holidays, Nintendo, Special Attacks, Super Mario Bros, Super Smash Bros, Things Are Heating Up, Valentine's Day, Wii
Aww, Mario made Peach a Valentine! ….out of… flaming death?
By Brian Lastorka