What if Kratos were in every game?
February 12, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Activision, Angry Birds, Atlus, Blizzard, Call of Duty, Cover Art, Cray-Z Crossovers, Disguises, Doom, Eidos, Electronic Arts, Fallout, God of War, ID Software, Insomniac Games, Kid Icarus, NES, Nintendo, PC, Playstation, Portal, Prince of Persia, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Resistance: Fall of Man, Retro, Sega, SNES, Sony, Strike A Pose, Super Mario Bros, Swordplay, Tomb Raider, Ubisoft, Uncategorized, Valve Software, Wii, World of Warcraft
I know how much you guys love Kratos, so when I heard a website called IDDQD had taken the liberty of photoshopping him into a bunch of other games, I figured you guys would be thrilled to see the results!
[via Joystiq]