[VIDEO] Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 “Phoenix Wright Reveal Trailer”

Oh wow, Phoenix Wright fights just how I expected in UMvC3!
Sorry to everyone I just trolled… but if seeing this doesn’t make you laugh a little, I don’t know what will!
By , submitted by Scootaloo

Kellogg’s vs Capcom

Kellogg's vs Capcom

The continuation of Capcom’s legendary VS Series! It’s not out yet but I found a few of the new special moves:
— Tony the Tiger Uppercut
Tap Repeatedly — Honey Smacks
 +  — Toucan Slam
— Two Scoops of Kellog’s Raisin Kablam
Submitted by Chris L. [via Marvel vs Capcom 3’s Facebook Page]

[VIDEO] Two Best Friends Play MvC3

When two best friends play Marvel vs Capcom 3, the fate of two worlds is looking grim!
Another great video by theswitcher, submitted by several people

[VIDEO] Marvel vs Capcom 3 – Hyper Combo Finishes

Every level 3 hyper combo in Marvel vs Capcom 3? I came.
Also as an added bonus, all the character specific smack talk taunts!
[via ScrewAttack]

Viewtiful Falcon

Viewtiful Falcon

HENSHIN A GO-GO, BABY! HYES! Beware his Red Hot Falcon Kick!
By thweatted, submitted by Mauricio