[BONUS] Official Halolz Spray Pack #2
January 5, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Cover Art, Fashion Faux Pas, Gentlemen, Half-Life, Heavy Weapons, Left 4 Dead, Movies, Musical, Nintendo, PC, Playstation, Secret Items, Sequential Art, Strike A Pose, Team Fortress 2, The Legend of Zelda, Uncategorized, Valve Software, Xbox 360, Zombies
Welcome to Halolz Spray Pack #2! After nine years in development, hopefully it was worth the wait!
Remember these sprays can be used on any of Valve’s Source games, including Team Fortress 2 and Left4Dead! And installation is fairly painless!
And don’t forget about our first spray pack! You can grab them both right here:
• Halolz Spray Pack #1
• Halolz Spray Pack #2
[VIDEO] The Wii Didn’t Start the Fire
December 15, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Accessories, Activision, Arcade, Atari, BioWare, Blizzard, Bomberman, Bungie, Call of Duty, Capcom, Castlevania, Christmas, Donkey Kong, Doom, Dreamcast, Duke Nukem, Electronic Arts, Fallout, Final Fantasy, Gameboy, Genesis, God of War, Grand Theft Auto, Guitar Hero/Rock Band, Half-Life, Halo, ID Software, Kingdom Hearts, Kirby, Konami, LucasArts, Mario Kart, Mass Effect, Maxis, Mega Man, Metal Gear Solid, Metroid, Microsoft, Monkey Island, Mortal Kombat, Musical, N64, Neo Geo, NES, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Oregon Trail, Pac-Man, PC, Playstation, Pokémon, Political, Pong, Prince of Persia, Rare, Red Ring of Death, Resident Evil, Retro, Sega, SimCity/The Sims, SNES, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sony, Space Invaders, Square Enix, Star Wars, Starcraft, StarFox, Super Mario Bros, Super Smash Bros, Systems, Tetris, The Legend of Zelda, Things Are Heating Up, Tomb Raider, TV Shows, Ubisoft, Uncategorized, Video Clips, Wii, Williams/Midway, World of Warcraft, Xbox 360
Should it worry me that this song sums up my entire life in four minutes? Nah…
By PopeFriction, submitted by KHPandaZ and smashpro1
Poker Night at the Dog House
November 23, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Card Games on Motorcycles, Chillaxin', Cray-Z Crossovers, LucasArts, Off Duty, PC, Team Fortress 2, Uncategorized, Valve Software, Wild Animals
It’s the match-up of the century! The worlds most unlikely poker group vs the worlds legendary pack of poker playing canines? The fur is about to fly!
By Carlos Nazareno
[VIDEO] Poker Night at the Inventory Conversations (Part 1)
November 23, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Awkward Moments, Card Games on Motorcycles, Chillaxin', Cray-Z Crossovers, Disturbing, LucasArts, Off Duty, PC, Storytime/Wordplay, Team Fortress 2, Uncategorized, Valve Software, Video Clips
No need to buy the game… the best part of the whole thing (besides unlocking exclusive TF2 items) is hearing these four having off-the-cuff conversations with each other!
By GamiCross
I am Heavy Weapons Guy. And THIS… is my poker face.
November 6, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Awkward Moments, Card Games on Motorcycles, Off Duty, PC, Secret Items, Team Fortress 2, Uncategorized, Valve Software, Video Clips
Who would have thought all that special poker training he received back in the USSR would end up paying off? Then again who ever thought he’d be playing poker against Max, Strongbad and Tycho?
By Sir Kemper