“Some are born great…”
October 10, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Dramatic, Nintendo, Sequential Art, Storytime/Wordplay, The Legend of Zelda, Wii
All Hyrule’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players…
By cocacola111
Twilight Princess: New Moon
June 23, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Irony, Movies, Nintendo, Sequential Art, Storytime/Wordplay, The Legend of Zelda, Wii
Okay there might be some similarities there.
By Drew Mokris [Spinnerdisc]
In response to being told “I love you”.
May 6, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Awkward Moments, Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda, True Love
I guess for each different Link and Zelda, there’s an equally confusing romantic situation!
By Tomatama