[NEWS] Love-A-Thon
Update: FAQs available right here.
Double Update, vote for the games you want to see played here.
As mentioned before, Monday marks the Love-a-thon. It’s the day before Steam picks the next set of games to get Greenlit, and of course Love+ is still trying to get published, and the only way to make that happen is to get people interested!
Here’s the list of everything we’re giving away (and when).
There’s no limits to the number of tickets you can buy or the number of prizes you can win.
So go, subscribe to get notified as soon as we go live, and please help spread the word! Most importantly, get your tickets now.
why can’t I, hold all these wallets?
July 13, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
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I had a feeling the Steam Summer Sale would be back!
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Thoughts behind my Steam purchases
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Some day I’ll look back and wonder, why do I own five hundred games on Steam and I’ve only played ten of them.
By LuckNLoad
In non-Steam game
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If only there was some kind of multiplayer mode…
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