[VIDEO] Ponies Invade Your Video Games
January 24, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Anime, Artistic, Bethesda, Castlevania, Cray-Z Crossovers, Explosives, Here There Be Dragons, Konami, Minecraft, Musical, My Little Pony, PC, Playstation, Secret Items, Sneak Attack, Team Fortress 2, The Elder Scrolls, TV Shows, Valve Software, Video Clips, Weird, Wii, Xbox 360
It’s 3am on a Monday night… time to post some goddamn ponies!
Why has MLP invaded so many video games recently? I dunno I just work here!
Anyway if you don’t like My Little Pony, you may as well just stop reading right now!
Those Fluttershy’s are as fearsome as they are adorable!
By XtremeScope [via Destructoid]
At first I couldn’t figure out why Rarity was visiting TF2. Then I realized, no other game has more fashionable hats!
By MovieMowDown, submitted by Sam W.
Not exactly the ultimate battle of ultimate destiny, but an interesting matchup none-the-less!
By RageNineteen, submitted by Jamie S.
Yes. Castlevania remixes about Rarity. Sure, why not?
By our buddy PsyGuy, submitted by KeyBlader1
And of course I can never get enough Rhythm Heaven…
By JackyFappy
I think that fills our pony quota for the next three weeks, right?
[VIDEO] WarioWare!: Valve Edition
January 17, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Counter Strike, Gameboy, Half-Life, Left 4 Dead, PC, Playstation, Portal, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software, Video Clips, WarioWare, Weird, Xbox 360, Zombies
This was an alpha. I’m making a note here, “huge success!”
By ikusa0717, submitted by Josh Mirman
January 9, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Disguises, It's A Trap!, PC, Playstation, Sneak Attack, Stabbey Stabbey, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software, Xbox 360
There’s more than one way to stab a Scout!
By Aldurin and Doc_ock_rokc
Eevee Fortress
December 28, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Cray-Z Crossovers, Disguises, Nintendo, No Caption Needed, Pokémon, Team Fortress 2, Teamwork, Valve Software
Entire team is Eevee’s!
By Iveechan
[VIDEO] Rudolph the Red Team Pyro
December 22, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Christmas, Cutesy Wutesy, Depressing, Failure, Holidays, Musical, PC, Playstation, Team Fortress 2, Things Are Heating Up, Valve Software, Video Clips, Weak Points, Xbox 360
Another Pyro Christmas special? That dude/chick sure is popular during the holidays! Who does he/she think he/she is?
By truongasm
Payloads of Holiday Cheer!
December 15, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Chill Out, Christmas, Disguises, Holidays, No Caption Needed, Off Duty, Team Fortress 2, Teamwork, Valve Software
Ho ho ho! Heavy Claus is coming to town!
He’s here do deliver crates to all the good little boys and girls (and Pyros)!
*Crate keys sold separately
An informal commission created for us by Sadface!
[VIDEO] You’re On Your Way To: CP_SKYRIM
December 10, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Bethesda, Cray-Z Crossovers, Disguises, Explosives, Here There Be Dragons, PC, Playstation, Strike A Pose, Swordplay, Team Fortress 2, Teamwork, The Elder Scrolls, The Great Outdoors, Things Are Heating Up, Valve Software, Video Clips, Xbox 360
Fus-Ro-Dah? No, Poo-Tis-Pow!
By Armago24X, submitted by several people
[VIDEO] Rhythm Fortress
December 1, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Cray-Z Crossovers, Foreign Object, G-g-g-ghost!, Gameboy, Head Shot, Musical, Nintendo, Off Duty, PC, Playstation, Strike A Pose, Team Fortress 2, Teamwork, Uncategorized, Valve Software, Video Clips, Weird, Wii, Xbox 360
Everything is better with Team Fortress 2 characters… even Nintendo’s Rhythm Heaven!
(Also Nintendo, put the Wii version of this out in the U.S. please!)
Click here to see them all!
By DakkPasserida, submitted by El_bruno
Bonus Stage: