Fire vs Fire

Fire x Fire

By Roboto-kun, submitted by Blue Paratroopa

[VIDEO] I’ll make a Dan out of you!

BE A DAN! You must be swift as the coursing river!
BE A DAN! With all the force of a great typhoon!
BE A DAN! With all the strength of a raging fire!
Mysterious as the dark side of the mooooooooooooon!
It takes a lot of work to record enough ranked matches to make a Dan montage like that, but pulls it off nicely!

[VIDEO] Street Fighter II: Family Guy Edition

Go home and be a Family Guy!
From last night’s new episode!


Click here to zoom!

Daaaaaw. On an unrelated note, I have to go dress up my cats like Deadpool and Dr. Doom and have them fight to the death!
By suzuran, submitted by Dr. Furry



Warning, Marvel vs Capcom 3 may void your TV’s warranty.
Submitted by Kidou~

[VIDEO] Marvel vs Capcom 3 – Hyper Combo Finishes

Every level 3 hyper combo in Marvel vs Capcom 3? I came.
Also as an added bonus, all the character specific smack talk taunts!
[via ScrewAttack]

[VIDEO] Blanka Makes Pound Cake

The best little video clips you’ll watch all day!
By egoraptor, found by Scott

Update: Added two more Street Fighter shorts by egoraptor, ’cause… why not? And yes these were all made for the Newgrounds Street Fighter Collab

[MERCH] Cyber Monday Salestravaganza!

New Products From Level Up Studios!
Level Up Studios Sale
New Products From Level Up Studios!

Whooooa, Ninja-Bot is now Level Up Studios! Four new items for December! FREE SHIPPING on these new items until the end of Wednesday just for you loyal Halolz fans! I am at a loss for words!! Time to do some Christmas shopping!

Also if you want to order our stuff through our friends at SharkRobot, use the code “want2cyber” to get 5% off your order over there! MADNESS!

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