July 10, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Capcom, Dramatic, Mega Man, NES, No Caption Needed, Retro, Robots, Spiritual Enlightenment, Strike A Pose
Dr. Light… the creationist of 20XX.
Artist unknown
Lets go! RockGirl
March 21, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Capcom, Mega Man, No Caption Needed, Robots, Weird
Female Mega Man and Proto Man (and some of the robot masters)? Sure why not, even ladies know how to JUMP ‘N SHOOT!
By dcwj [via Rampaged Reality]
[VIDEO] Mega Odor Blocker 3
December 6, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Capcom, Disguises, Extreme CloseUp, Mega Man, Musical, NES, Obnoxious, Retro, Robots, Serious Business, Strike A Pose, TV Shows, Video Clips, Weird
Even when this song is made up entirely of the screams of a deodorant advertising personality, I still just hear the words of brentalfloss in my head!
By Mowtendoo, submitted by Roflcakes Internet
[VIDEO] What If Classic Video Game Ending Credits Had Lyrics?
May 23, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Achievement Unlocked, Bad Grammer, Capcom, Castlevania, Disguises, Final Fantasy, Foreign Object, Gentlemen, Hudson Soft, Kirby, Konami, Mega Man, Musical, NES, Nintendo, Punch Out, Retro, Square Enix, Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Too Much Free Time, Uncategorized, Video Clips
I don’t care what Brent’s evil tophatted doppelganger thinks, those hours were well spent! Well okay, not really… I’d love to get those hours of my life back if I could!
Submitted by smashpro1
November 19, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Capcom, Dead Rising, Disguises, Fashion Faux Pas, Mega Man, Musical, PC, Playstation, Xbox 360
He’s a loner. A rebel. And in a world gone mad, he’s the best we’ve got.
A classic Protomen reference found by Scott
[VIDEO] Mega Man 10 – The Lost Commercial
April 6, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Capcom, Explosives, Lasers, Mega Man, Playstation, Retro, Robots, Serious Business, Video Clips, Wii, Xbox 360
Well that commercial didn’t have any effect on me… how about y-*BUYS MEGA MAN 10*
[VIDEO] The Video Game Bosses’ Lament
March 11, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Aliens, Arcade, Capcom, Castlevania, Contra, Donkey Kong, Genesis, ID Software, Kirby, Konami, Mega Man, Metroid, NES, Ninjas, Nintendo, PC, Punch Out, Retro, Sega, Serious Business, SNES, Sonic the Hedgehog, Star Wars, Super Mario Bros, Teamwork, The Legend of Zelda, Uncategorized, Video Clips, Zero Wing
The minions weren’t really reading the company-wide memos, so it’s time for the big bosses to hold a meeting within each of their divisions. Attendance… mandatory!
By CollegeHumor