Adventure Poketime
January 30, 2013 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Best Friends 4-Eva, Cray-Z Crossovers, Disguises, Nintendo, No Caption Needed, Pokémon, TV Shows
Jakeachu, I choose you!
By mlvnsnmgl
December 22, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Best Friends 4-Eva, Cray-Z Crossovers, Disguises, Doom, ID Software, Strike A Pose, Swordplay, TV Shows
The demons from hell are no match for a boy and his shape changing dog!
By Cheese-Demon
August 17, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Best Friends 4-Eva, Cray-Z Crossovers, League of Legends, Sneak Attack, Swordplay, Teamwork, TV Shows
It’s ganking time, c’mon tell your friends! Where exhausts and ig-nites, never end!
With ‘Wick the wolf and Garen the hu-man… the attacks will never end, it’s ganking time!
By 秋貓
Mega Man Time
July 9, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Animated, Best Friends 4-Eva, Capcom, Cray-Z Crossovers, Cutesy Wutesy, Disguises, Mega Man, No Caption Needed, Robots, TV Shows
It occurs to me that the tale of a boy and his dog can be applied to a lot of popular culture!
By Daniel Bressette, source found by Pepperkat
[VIDEO] Admins In A Nutshell
May 18, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Bad Ideas, PC, Playstation, Rage Enducing, Team Fortress 2, TV Shows, Valve Software, Video Clips, Xbox 360
A typical reaction on our TF2 server! Also, if there’s one thing I can’t resist posting, it’s anything using audio from the Earl of Lemongrab (Adventure Time).
By MyHelmetHazStickers, submitted by Blue Paratroopa
It’s Scribblenauts Time!
March 28, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Cray-Z Crossovers, Heavy Weapons, Swordplay, TV Shows, Uncategorized
Once and for all, we’ll see if the pen is mightier than the sword!
By Matthew Art [via Dueling Analogs]
Adventure Time Pocket Medic
November 25, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Best Friends 4-Eva, Cutesy Wutesy, Health & Fitness, Highly Illogical Captain, No Caption Needed, Stealth Espionage, Team Fortress 2, TV Shows, Valve Software, Weird
He was in there the whole time! What a rascal!
Artist unknown, based off a scene from Adventure Time!
August 25, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Batman, Irony, Poop Jokes, Wild Animals
Absolutely nothing to do with video games, but I thought this was pretty funny. How has this problem never been addressed until now? I mean your hideout is filled with bats and expensive crime fighting technology… this is going to be an issue!
By Marco D’Alfonso [via Rampaged Reality]