Character Branding
January 25, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Capcom, Castlevania, Cray-Z Crossovers, Final Fantasy, Konami, Mortal Kombat, Namco, Nintendo, Sega, Serious Business, Sonic the Hedgehog, SoulCalibur IV, Square Enix, Street Fighter, Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Uncategorized, Williams/Midway
Maybe Tim was right, it seems like all my favorite video game characters have sold out!
By our buddy Steve Pierski [Dueling Analogs]
September 29, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Arcade, Capcom, Hipsters, Special Attacks, Street Fighter, Strike A Pose
He’s so good at it he doesn’t even need a surface to plank on!
From This Is The Internet [via Dueling Analogs]
[VIDEO] Mega Man X Charges Too Much
September 13, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Capcom, Massive Damage, Mega Man, Overkill, Retro, Robots, Shields Up, SNES, Special Attacks, Street Fighter, Too Much Free Time, Video Clips
There’s a reason Dr. Light put a limit capacitor in the original Mega Man’s mega buster!
By Dorkly, submitted by smashpro1
[VIDEO] Street Fighter II: Family Guy Edition
April 11, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Animated, Arcade, Capcom, Fists of Fury, Kickin' It, Special Attacks, Street Fighter, TV Shows, Video Clips
Go home and be a Family Guy!
From last night’s new episode!
[VIDEO] Blanka Makes Pound Cake
December 6, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Animated, Artistic, Capcom, Depressing, Fists of Fury, Serious Business, Special Attacks, Street Fighter, Tasty Treats, Video Clips
The best little video clips you’ll watch all day!
By egoraptor, found by Scott
Update: Added two more Street Fighter shorts by egoraptor, ’cause… why not? And yes these were all made for the Newgrounds Street Fighter Collab
[VIDEO] Undercover Videogame Boss
October 7, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Aliens, Capcom, Depressing, Disguises, Final Fantasy, Genesis, Irony, Konami, Mega Man, Metroid, NES, Ninjas, Nintendo, Off Duty, Paranoia, Retro, Sega, Serious Business, SNES, Sonic the Hedgehog, Square Enix, StarFox, Stealth Espionage, Street Fighter, Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, TV Shows, Uncategorized, Video Clips
Finally those bosses learn how tough it is being a minion!
By CollegeHumor, submitted by several people