[VIDEO] Barack Obama Sings the Pokemon Theme Song
February 4, 2013 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Musical, Nintendo, Pokémon, Political, Too Much Free Time, TV Shows, Video Clips
Our President would make one hell of a gym leader!
By baracksdubs, submitted by Josh Mirman
Election Day
If they wanted me to vote so bad they would’ve put a voting booth at GameStop for the midnight launch.
Made by Me.
editors note: Shawn was supposed to post this on Monday, but he didn’t. Thanks Shawn.
I’m Commander Obama…
March 22, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under BioWare, Disguises, Mass Effect, PC, Photo Op, Playstation, Political, Under Construction, Xbox 360
I’m Commander Obama… and this is the most presidential Shepard on the Citadel!
Submitted by VGScoot
Space Core Finds Out About NASA’s Budget Cuts
July 7, 2011 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Off Duty, PC, Playstation, Portal, Rage Enducing, Robots, Sequential Art, Serious Business, Star Wars, Valve Software, Xbox 360
Some people took NASA’s budget cuts a little harder than others…
By G-Man
September 11, 2010 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Nintendo, Pokémon, Political, Strike A Pose
Political advertising paid for by the Pewter City Committee for the Advancement of Rock Type Pokémon. By Amanda Roback (via Brock Obama), submitted by Jakorap