May 10, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Musical, Nintendo, Pokémon, TV Shows, Video Clips
For a ten year old, that Gary sure gets around.
By rubbingclouds, submitted by spplmj
Hipster Ash
May 8, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Best Friends 4-Eva, Hipsters, Nintendo, Pokémon
Oh you started with a fire, water or grass type? How PREDICTABLE.
Can’t use that item!
April 27, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Animated, Gameboy, Irony, Pokémon, Rage Enducing, Retro, TV Shows, Weak Points
First world, first gen Pokemon storage network problems.
[VIDEO] Goldeen Loves Guitar
March 18, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Animated, Chillaxin', Head Shot, Nintendo, Off Duty, Pokémon, Rage Enducing, Special Attacks, TV Shows, Video Clips, Weird
Music soothes the savage Pokemon.
By redminus, submitted by Dr. Furry
March 12, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Cray-Z Crossovers, Disguises, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Pokémon, The Simpsons / Futurama, TV Shows
Shut up and don’t take my money because Pokemon health care is subsidized!
Every Time
March 9, 2012 by Fred "Trunks" Wood
Filed under Nintendo, Overkill, Pokémon, Sequential Art, Sneak Attack, The Great Outdoors
As Einstein once said, “Only two things are infinite, the universe, and the number of Zubats in a dark cave”.
Submitted by SarifIndustries
The PokéMiracle of Life
March 6, 2012 by Fred "Trunks" Wood
Filed under Gameboy, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Pokémon, Shocking Results, Weird, Wild Animals, Yo Dawg
When it comes to Pokémon childbirth, logic gets thrown to the curb.
Artists unknown.
[VIDEO] The Protomen Act III Promo
February 25, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Musical, Nintendo, Performances, Pokémon, Video Clips
The classic rock opera about the story of Mega Man just took one crazy ass turn thanks to Brentalfloss!
Submitted by Armetron