Yes, we’re a little past this joke, but that face at the end makes it all come back.
By HazzaHardie.

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Posted by Fred "Trunks" Wood on October 24, 2013 · 7:00 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (54 votes, average: 3.09 out of 5)
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Adult Situations, Bootylicious, Musical, PC, Rage Enducing, Team Fortress 2, True Love, Valve Software, Video Clips

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10 Responses to “Heavy Cyrus”

  1. dope92 on October 24th, 2013 7:12 pm

    what the fuck.

  2. gameboy_nate on October 24th, 2013 7:16 pm

    2 s3xee

  3. Sonicsmash2 on October 24th, 2013 7:25 pm

    Please…..fix this felix….

  4. Rockslider on October 24th, 2013 8:25 pm

    Alternate title: Mr. Engineer gets scarred for life again.

  5. SpectralSheep on October 24th, 2013 8:26 pm


  6. VyseRogueKing on October 24th, 2013 9:08 pm

    *sees Nekkie Hoovy doesn't even bat an eyelash*

    *hears Miley Cyrus insta-need to gouge eardrums out*

  7. Scept on October 24th, 2013 9:27 pm
  8. Paulrus-Keaton? on October 25th, 2013 12:19 am

    This is why the Engineer can't enjoy standing in small bland rooms anymore.

  9. Soul Eater 676 on October 25th, 2013 1:14 am

    The burning you feel. It is shame.

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