I’ve never wanted a custom skin to be real so bad. Well except for Manmo of course!
By RageStarStudio
Posted by Shawn Handyside on April 25, 2013 · 1:07 AM |
Categories: Chillaxin', Disguises, Fashion Faux Pas, Haxorz, League of Legends, PC, Video Clips · Leave a comment () 49 Comments |
$2.95 a minute hey? Here's $5, keep the change.
For a moment I couldn't figure out how Jak and Daxter connected to LoL. I'm sure there's fanart somewhere, though.
I'd make a comment about needing to have played LoL to really get this, but that's both really over-done and not true for once. Well played, Shawn, well played.
There's some bad clipping with his robe.
I WOULD have said that I don't play lol and therefore don't get this video,
but y'know…
I gained an accound and like 20 levels since the last lol post.
It's actually been a while since a LOL post. Good to get off the old game grumps.
[youtube XK6_CH1cH3M rel="nofollow"> youtube]
I always think of Slickback now whenever I see pimp's. Thanks Boondocks, you don't help my stereotype's or sexism but you sure are funny. Also again. NSFW
Pimpin' ain't easy, but someone's got to put dem bitches in line.
Fund it.
And some of the men too.
Oh okay then
I guess that it's funny to those individuals who play LoL
It is a shame that I do not play LoL and if I did so I wold thus get the joke
But I do not play LoL
So this post is wasted on me
Imagine if i had a REAL pimp cane.
<img src="http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/104/8/8/nami_s_secret_by_nestkeeper-d61onfw.jpg" length="400" width="400">
Because Shawn probably isn't going to post this, i am http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-news/vg_blackwh…
its getting a level 100 deoxys for Black 2 And White 2.
(its for the non LoL players)
Sh, you are late on the Wolf post AGAIN. What do I have to do to keep a hoe in line?
A purple pimp cape. scarf, and large purple hat fashion faux pas?
<img src="http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091212205223/americandad/images/5/5f/Chocodile.jpg">
Aw HELL naw!