It is a well known fact that the louder you yell during battle, the more effective Xin Zhao’s attacks will be!
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Posted by Shawn Handyside on April 3, 2012 · 1:15 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (134 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)
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Disney, League of Legends, Musical, Obnoxious, PC, Sneak Attack, Special Attacks, Tips & Tricks, Video Clips

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67 Responses to “[VIDEO] I’m Bad at LoL: Be A Man – The Xin Zhao Tutorial”

  1. Trogz on April 3rd, 2012 1:25 am


  2. Tadferd on April 3rd, 2012 1:36 am

    Play Xin like Sona. Got it.

  3. Alpar on April 3rd, 2012 1:39 am

    Alpar approves of this.

  4. EonofAeon on April 3rd, 2012 1:46 am

    Well this video has done it's job; I now want to go buy Xin Zhao and play him…Not just because I want all champs, but because I want to be at least half as awesome as that man.

  5. Alpar on April 3rd, 2012 1:56 am
  6. 7Soul on April 3rd, 2012 2:03 am

    Step 1: Pick Xin Zhao
    Step 2: Level your character
    Step 3: Get into a team fight
    Step 4: Headbut your keyboard
    Step 5: Get all the ladies*

    *there are no ladies in LoL, anything that looks like and/or smell like a lady is in fact, not a lady

  7. Alpar on April 3rd, 2012 2:20 am

    I just noticed that LoLLoLz is gone, but this is still a LoL submission, so I, Alpar, declares Alpar Fool's Day to continue!

  8. Bobomberman on April 3rd, 2012 2:22 am

    You know I got to thinking, the real Alpar could be anywhere, he could be you, he could be ME he could even be-! <img src=""&gt;

  9. Souleater676 on April 3rd, 2012 2:24 am

    Apparently, this game will make you……
    <img src=>

    ……Thats not how you play the game right.
    <img src=>

  10. Alpar on April 3rd, 2012 2:41 am

    Sounds like Xin Zhao and this guy
    <img src=""&gt; would have an interesting conversation (or fight) if they ever met.

  11. Combatbeaver on April 3rd, 2012 3:15 am

    well hey guys just got back from the roadtrip so how was april fails da-OH MY GOD ALPAR INVASION

  12. CosmicSkyscrapa on April 3rd, 2012 4:25 am

    Halolz has become a giant Alpar orgy. I like where this is going.

  13. Thisguy2021 on April 3rd, 2012 5:14 am

    The way he talks about not giving a shit, you'd think he was Singed.
    Everybody knows nobody gives less of a shit than Singed.

  14. ChemicalKirby on April 3rd, 2012 5:51 am

    So LoL is like Mario party?

  15. Platinum on April 3rd, 2012 6:48 am

    What is this new background that it's almost like I've never seen before?

  16. Alpar on April 3rd, 2012 7:43 am

    I didn't know Jack Black played League of Legends.

  17. Alpar on April 3rd, 2012 7:44 am

    Hello, Alpar the original speaking here. I've been informed that even past April 1st, Shawn refuses to change LoLlolz back to Halolz. So fellow Alpars, I say keep it as Alpar Fail's Day! Do not give up until-

    …wait, it's Halolz again.
    Then… keep it as this holiday until the forums come ba.. eh, too long.

    You're all relieved of your Alpositions, go back to normal please.
    I'll be away saving the world. Again.

  18. tstriker1 on April 3rd, 2012 11:39 am

    This Alpar invasion is starting to scare me.
    What if…it's contagious?

  19. MaggotsR4Kids on April 3rd, 2012 12:20 pm


  20. Ice_Cold_Alpar on April 3rd, 2012 12:21 pm
  21. Solar Boy Django on April 3rd, 2012 1:04 pm

    I'm surprised shawn hasn't posted LoL lore in a minute yet… it teaches you the most important thing… Spin to win kids! rel="nofollow"> rel="nofollow">
    Also could someone give me the alpar picture? I can't be Solar Boy Alpar otherwise…

  22. brent917 on April 3rd, 2012 2:20 pm


  23. MaggotsR4Kids on April 3rd, 2012 4:11 pm

    Alpars sappin my sentry!

  24. Pupsrus13 on April 3rd, 2012 8:32 pm

    Giant crystal scorpion? Headbutt keyboard. SUPREME VICTORY

  25. dope92 on April 3rd, 2012 10:35 pm


    has any one seen jimmy?

    uh oh

    <img src="; border="0" alt="Photobucket">

  26. Jerach on April 4th, 2012 4:02 pm

    I am both shocked and disgusted by the lack of Dunkey videos during these days of LoL lolz.

  27. caffeinette on April 6th, 2012 1:35 am

    I love this guy. His laugh cures cancer: rel="nofollow"> rel="nofollow"> rel="nofollow">

  28. Danja on April 10th, 2012 2:13 pm

    Its funny….cause its true.

  29. paulsmith4812 on June 29th, 2016 2:07 am

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