Thedarkcloak is in ur Mushroom Kingdoms, monsterizing ur goombas!
Posted by Shawn Handyside on May 20, 2008 · 11:01 PM |
Categories: Creepy/Spooky, Nintendo, Super Mario Bros, Too Much Free Time · Leave a comment () 26 Comments |
Eh. I already saw this on DA. Stolen pic. Seriously. Why would you do that?
Whoops. Nvm. The artist submitted it. *Facepalm*
This should be under “disturbing”. Because… well… it is.
That’s no ‘shroom… that’s a Goomba.
Them rabid Goombas are great in casseroles though…
ah jeez… another “realistic” look at a video game character. This one isn’t as disturbing as the others, but it’s pretty disturbing… in a good kind of way.
Stomp on this? Looks like someone already tried to…
Sometimes, I realize being in a video game isn’t nearly as cool as it would seem.
It’s pretty creepy, especially with Mario’s bloody cap in the back.
This is such an old pic… not bad though.
Mario must have some balls to stomp on those ._.
O_o. That’s just plain creepy.
The lightning is a nice touch
I must have missed the game where mario went to silent hill O_o
Youse gonna get raped!!
Anyone notice that hat behind the Goomba? Thats creepy :P
Fucking sick nasty.
This totally kicks ass!
*Mario jumps*
*Goomba opens mouth*
*Blood, pain, and gore commences*
*Game Over*
No more mario :<
I saw it on DA though, when someone linked it in the comments of the realistic bowser
I Don’t know what you guys think, but I think these Goombas are scarier
Holy jesus, that is true… the movie ones ARE scarier.
Scott and I were just making fun of the ol’ Mario Bros. movie the other day…
“Hey yo, a metear crashed inta Earth and knocked the dinasoars into a parallel dimension!”
this is why we dont do drugs o_o
Doo-doo du-doo-doo du-doo (doo doo).
How come no one’s done this with Sonic yet?
O_o Scawy