Oh my.
Via Dorkly
Posted by Fred "Trunks" Wood on August 12, 2013 · 4:23 PM |
Categories: Adult Situations, Artistic, Nintendo, Sequential Art, The Legend of Zelda · Leave a comment () 35 Comments |
Talk about being left at the altar.
Wow. Talk about a burning passion.
I didn't know Legend of Zelda addressed such important issues.
Link is basically every confused college guy ever.
Damn. Too busy right now. Expect something good for this and the previous post in 5-6 hours.
Well…that was not what I was expecting.
So…if Link's "dad" is the Great Deku Tree…does that mean he's got wood for Sheik?
I guess that makes Shiek out to be a big lyre. Badoomtish!
What a way to shoot down his feelings.
Serves him right.
If he didn't have that crush on Zelda none of this would have happened.
He should totally have gone for Malon. The tasteless loser.
Okay, yeah this is heart rending and such, but one thing really bothers me about this.
Why did he use fire arrows and not Din's Fire?
Princess Zelda, since you hold the triforce of wisdom, do YOU know why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
What's this?
Green clothes…White fairy…Clearly works out…
Sir, could you, by chance, be a forest fairy?
I don't have much to say about this other than the 4th panel kinda reminds me of Chris Redface.
<img src="http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/233/e/e/zap_brannigan_soldiers_meme_by_alanquest-d5bzguq.png" height="500" width="500">