beep boop hello comrade

I for one welcome our new robot overlords!
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Posted by Shawn Handyside on August 18, 2012 · 9:24 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (180 votes, average: 4.67 out of 5)
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Disguises, Fashion Faux Pas, No Caption Needed, PC, Playstation, Robots, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software, Xbox 360

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32 Responses to “beep boop hello comrade”

  1. Doctor Rover on August 18th, 2012 9:40 am

    [youtube 2LV114FwM5k rel="nofollow"> youtube]

  2. Kaitostrike on August 18th, 2012 9:45 am

    Operation: INFILTRATION is now UNDERWAY.

    You, MISTER JANE DOE, have been chosen to head the infiltration unit after your bid of JUST TAKE ALL OF MY MONEY was picked, being the lowest bid. It will be your duty to infiltrate the robotic enemy, and learn their secrets.

    The supplies you listed as needing, A BOX, TWENTY CANS OF SOUP, TWO OF THOSE WEIRD THINGS UNDERNEATH DRIVEWAYS THAT LET WATER DRAIN THROUGH, and TWO PAIRS OF SHOES (IN BOX(VERY IMPORTANT)) will be sent to your residence at I WILL STRANGLE YOU lane. We look forward to hearing back from you.

    Good luck,

    <img src=""&gt;

  3. Psycroc on August 18th, 2012 10:04 am

    Don't remind me about the frustration that is trying to get into a game of MVM

  4. Vosur on August 18th, 2012 10:17 am

    That Soldier's a Spy!

    Spy: Oh please…

  5. Alpar on August 18th, 2012 10:39 am

    Not to burst anyone's bubble but how many times has this joke been made?

  6. PortalMan on August 18th, 2012 11:01 am

    That Soldier went on to live within the robot army for years, even finding his true love inside and having three robo kids….but then….his box head slipped off and was immediatly killed.

  7. HughbertEsq on August 18th, 2012 11:07 am

    Heavy uses Purity Fist!
    Heavy uses Deus Specs!
    Heavy struggles to use Nano-Balaclave!

    *approaching bots*
    Heavy Jensen: My vision is augmented

    Robots are Confused!
    Soldier-Bot: Beep
    Robots hurt themselves in their confusion
    Scout-Bot: Aw Cra-*BEWM*
    Heavy Jensen defeated Robots
    Heavy Jensen gained £12

  8. MasterLuigi452 on August 18th, 2012 11:28 am

    Much better than Spy's disguise.
    Because it won't wear off when you sap a robot!

  9. gAmer_Matt on August 18th, 2012 12:05 pm

    "I for one welcome our new robot overlords!"
    "May death come swiftly to his enemies"

  10. Master_Xehanort on August 18th, 2012 12:11 pm

    This is all Soldier's fault! What a tool he was! Now I have to spend all day computing pi, because he plugged in the Overlord!

  11. TomKitsune on August 18th, 2012 12:16 pm

    [youtube aiVyduLj68g rel="nofollow"> youtube]

  12. Skrist on August 18th, 2012 1:28 pm

    Sniper and Scout get the best job, throwing jars of piss and god knows what, at robots.
    Also, Pyro, pyrovision, upgraded flamethrower. Everyone on his team just needs to hide and let her take care of the robits.

  13. KZN02 on August 18th, 2012 1:35 pm

    Well, he needs to get back his job one way or another.

  14. Tenck on August 18th, 2012 1:57 pm

    I don't get this entry. I mean, it's just a picture of the MvM Robots. Is there a joke somewhere?

  15. ZephyrX9 on August 18th, 2012 2:36 pm

    He should've said Bah Weep Granah Weep Ninni Bong. Thumbs up if you get the ref.

  16. Lolzkun on August 20th, 2012 11:24 am

    Looks like spy isnt the only one who can disquise himself. xD

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