Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Just goes to show you, apply enough science and you too can convert the fallen nuts from trees into physics defying monster containment capsules!
By Hunson Is Groovy

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on January 25, 2012 · 9:28 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (290 votes, average: 4.80 out of 5)
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Charts & Graphs, Highly Illogical Captain, Nintendo, Pokémon, Science/Math, Secret Items, Serious Business, Tips & Tricks

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Who needs Spongebob when you have Super Kami Guru?

16 replies · active 683 weeks ago
Who knew nuts make such great balls?
2 replies · active 683 weeks ago
Unfortunately, no technology has yet to harness the power of A+B+Down.
5 replies · active 683 weeks ago
Too tired to think of anything good or make a sponge macro... so enjoy
4 replies · active 683 weeks ago
throwing oranges at pokemon wont work, but throwing rocks at them will?
3 replies · active 683 weeks ago
Oh boy a new post. I'm not sure what to say.

Hmmm, this looks scientific. I know, I'll do a Cave Johnson rant! That will earn me the love and respect of fellow Halolzians!

*reads comments*

2 replies · active 683 weeks ago
Disappointed with no mention of Voltorb.

Now, just imagine if they hollowed out an orange and made a pokeball with it...
That would completely invalidate this whole chart!
Also: You can just buy luxury balls.

13 replies · active 683 weeks ago
Whenever I see a Heavy Ball nowadays, there's only one thing I can think to catch with it.

Poké balls aren't key items, they're placed in th poké ball section of the bag!
2 replies · active 669 weeks ago
I guess I wasn't the only thinking: "How the hell do you make something that complicated out of a fruit?
4 replies · active 683 weeks ago
Can't catch a Pokémon with an orange?! Do you know who I am? I’m the woman who’s gonna capture your Pokémon! With the oranges! I’m gonna get my engineers to invent an Orange Pokéball that captures your Pokémon! *cough**hack**snort.*

P.S. Everybody on Halolz already did a Cave Johnson joke...but I'm not Cave Johnson. :3
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
I would catch this and let it go inside someone's house. For the lols.
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago

Bit off topic but, when they sold the life sized poke balls at walmart I bought one for my younger cousin and told him it could actually catch monsters, little did I know he would throw it at a squirrel, It wasn't the smartest the smartest thing I've ever done. But I am happy he didn't give the poor thing brain damage.
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
Cave Johnson here.

Now I understand that things have gotten a little confusing for Silph Co. ever since Aperture managed to buy them out. This makes sense. However, I must give my disapproval to Mr. Shawn Handyside posting the trade secrets behind my entire supply of Aperture Science Pocket Monster Containment Vessesls on his website. This is the second time that you abuse the products and services that Aperture Science provides for your own entertainment. I am seriously consider...
Caroline! Did we happen to find new lawyers to replace the old ones? You know, the ones we sent to the Moon! Oh, we have not. Thank you, Caroline!
*turns back*
...considering taking action against your website if you infract our agreement again. If you keep it up, I may even have our lab boys stop restricting the access of your forum to the harem of cosplayers you keep at your mansion.

Cave Johnson. We're done here.

P.S. When April comes around, you'll know who to call.
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
I'm sure Aperture labs has a perfectly logical explanation for this.
2 replies · active 683 weeks ago
you actually can get more than 1 Master ball in Pokemon Gold. Just have the matching ID # for the ID mathcing contest in the radio tower
2 replies · active 683 weeks ago
Premierballs are 10 times more expensive than Pokeballs and can only do what half the job? oh well, at least they're pretty.
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
That really amazing! Human technology sure improved over those years...



Now, if they took all that effort for research to research better things... like SARDINES!
4 replies · active 683 weeks ago
"Pokeballs are Key Items"

*looks in key items tab in bag*

Timer ball + B+A+Down = fuck yeah
I'm sorry, but i couldn't read through it all. I'm too busy trying to get the fourms up.
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
Wonderful, someone has finally gotten the science of pokeballs down.
Now will someone, for the love of god, do some science on Majora's Mask?
Or at least... how Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard can dive underwater with a trainer and the flame doesn't go out...?
3 replies · active 683 weeks ago

The percent of white apricorns is insufficient compared to reality, where the white ones is the dominant of the seven!
2 replies · active 683 weeks ago
I always thought the concept of the mirrors keeping them in the constant refracted energy state was a pretty cool idea. It also means that the way pokemon escape is by trying to break free from the mirror and hit the side of the ball, thus breaking out, while properly owned pokemon just stay in the refraction.
2 replies · active 683 weeks ago
heh, heavy balls, and as a side note, if only one luxury ball can be obtained, why could I buy them in d, p, & hg?
9 replies · active 683 weeks ago
Imagin if Cave Johnson invented Pokeball....
Oh wait....
You are now reading this comic in my voice
6 replies · active 683 weeks ago
I call shenanigans. You can but luxury balls!
...and how many of these appear in the anime?
This blueprint still fails to explain to me how Samus' morph ball works.
Well i think the pokeball have a great design but yeah ! It's just a red and white orange lol. Great post mate.
There's more than one Luxury Ball per game (you can buy them in certain marts). Only one new Ball type was introduced in B&W, and it's just for catching Dream World Pokémon. Also, the Lake Ball was an anime-only type of ball. And it was only mentioned in one episode. On that same note, where's the GS Ball?

It would also have been nice if the person made this infographic also explained each type of ball, and gave its catch rate multiplier, as well.
Pfft, I have the best of all pokeball...

The pokeBALLS of STEEL

(they forgot the gs ball)
where's the "how to catch a pokemon" section? You know the one that says "throw quick ball"

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