Oh Pyro! Lets see that’s three Christmases you’ve saved, five you’ve ruined… last year was a wash…
By TheMinttu
Posted by Shawn Handyside on December 21, 2011 · 12:05 PM |
Categories: Artistic, Backstab, Bad Ideas, Massive Damage, Sequential Art, Sneak Attack, Strike A Pose, Team Fortress 2, Things Are Heating Up, Valve Software · Leave a comment () 84 Comments |
What's this "Red" nonsense? He was clearly spy checking… the other team.
Also, has the snow changed directions? I'm freaking out, man.
The Pyro saves Christmas. By killing Santa Claus. LOGIC, WHERE U B?
What does the Pyro want for Christmas? Easy. A guitar.
<img src=http://media.moddb.com/images/downloads/1/26/25781/pyro_achievements.jpg>
also Christmas!!!
<img src="http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/17235_104125529606172_100000261774254_100053_6397098_s.jpg">
So that's why Pyro gets coal every Christmas. Not like he complains about it.
Santa was just going to give us crates anyway…
Check to the left of this post. See that at the back of the sleigh?
He's waiting to strike :O
Clearly the Pyro was offended by Santa Claus and doesn't celebrate Cristmas.
Oh, Pyro! That cheeky little rascal…ah…I remember when he tried to kill the Easter bunny because he thought it would drop "Max's Severed Head."
Now I understand why we get coals in the steam gift pile.
Whelp, so much for that Santa. We need a replacement, stat.
I vote for this man.
Is Pyro wearing a Brain Slug wearing a Santa hat?
The one time W+M1ing comes back to bite you in the ass.
Coal? Heck no.
rel="nofollow">Just get him a lump of Smoal. Problem solved.
Of course, he'll probably just use it to make some type of smoke grenade, considering he's the only one with a gas mask.
Aw don't worry pyro, there's a legion of them.
<img src="http://balancebox.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/19-01.jpg" width="300">
How did you expect they get all the presents delivered in one night? Besides spaceage reindeer technology.
Blue Pyro is going to be on the naughty list…FOREVER!!!
<img src="http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110419102044/mlp/images/2/2b/PinkiePieForeverrrr.png" length="350" width="300">
"You're not Santa! You smell like beef and cheese!"… and burning
Leprechauns tell you to burn things, brain slugs tell you to burn people.
There isn't enough coffee this morning to deal with this, this is the SEVENTH time I've had to revive Santa Claus from being slaughtered today! *grumble* Y'know? Fuck it. I'm just leaving him to rot, I don't feel like getting into a fist fight with the grim reaper over this.
Oh well, time to loot his body. I'm not going to wear any of it though, I saw what happened to Tim Allen when he did that.
LOL wat. I…I don't even…
Anyone else notice the brain slug in the last panel?
You can never hate Pyro. Even for killing christmas.
That's our pyro!
You're a mean one, BLU Pyro.
You really are a troll.
You're as crazy as a crackhouse,
You're attacking with an ax,
Blue Pyroooooo.
You're a gender ambiguous demon with a greasy black mask.
You're a monster, BLU Pyro.
Your heart's an empty hole.
Your brain is full of spiders,
You don't seem to have a soul, BLU Pyrooo.
I wouldn't touch you with a
Thirty Nine and a half foot pole!
Incidentally, this isn't the first time something like this happened. A couple of years ago, one of BLU's bases got flooded, so naturally they had to hire a plumber to fix it. Later that day, said plumber showed up; he was apparently Italian, could double his size with mushrooms, and could Goomba Stomp better than any Soldier with Mantreads. This, combined with the fact that he had mistakenly worn red to the job, led to several BLU members thinking that they were being attacked by some legendary 10th member.
The rest of the day was dedicated to trying stab him in the back and hitting him with a wrench.
At least we can hope to spare the BLU Santa down at the south pole…
ah but he's never online. Christmas hasn't been ruined this hard since Gainax last year with PSG.
<img src="http://myfacewhen.com/images/65.jpg">
inb4 that Santa is a SPY!!!
Who else but Pyro?
Santa is your parents.
wtf is up with the -1's for me today?
Me: Hmm, I wonder if there are any new comments
*looks at comment count*
*Goes into comment page*
EDIT: *refresh again*
Kim Jong-il is dead…..shouldn’t we have a slowpoke “Hey guy…..have you heard…saddam’s dead” pic up by now?
Well played, sir.