Friday, March 14, 2025

The Fourth Annual Halolzween Pumpkin Carving Contest!

What do you mean Halloween is in three days? That… can’t be right. I mean, surely I would have posted information about our annual Halolzween Pumpkin Carving Contest far sooner than that! Wait I didn’t? Fffffffffffffffff (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Oh wait, no… this was totally intentional! For this is The Fourth Annual SPEED RUN Halolzween Pumpkin Carving Contest! Yes! This totally intentional contest will test your skills in last minute pumpkin video game pumpkin carving! Are you up to the challenge? Probably not but lets do it anyway!

So what are the rules this year? Same as last year for the most part… take pics of your totally original, made yourself video game themed pumpkin carving, send it in to our special contest email halolzween[at], then sit back and let the Level Up Studios themed prizes roll in! Well okay it’s a little more complicated than that, be sure to check out all the rules below.

Prizes this year will be awarded a little differently than last year (last year things got super confusing between all the categories and places). This year we will be awarding one “grand prize” to an entry in each of the following catagories:

• Most Creative (the most interesting, original or unusual entry)
• Most Detailed (the most artistic, complex, or technically difficult entry)
• Most Humorous (lolololol)

One winner from each of these categories will receive $100 in Level Up Studios store credit!

Then after that we will award an undetermined number of runners up an “Honorable Mention” prize of one Level Up Studios t-shirt or poster of their choice! The number of runners up chosen will be entirely dependent on the number of entries received in this lightning round contest!

Then finally all other entrants will receive a mystery “participant” prize just for entering! Because everyone deserves a prize on Halloween, right?

And now for the most important part of all… the official submission rules:

How to enter:
Step 1: Create an amazing video game themed Halloween pumpkin. Carve it, paint it… there is really no limit to what you can do, as long as there’s a pumpkin in there somewhere! (Other fruits and vegetables are permissible as entries if used creatively)
Step 2: Hand write or print out a sign that says “” to place next to the entry for at least one of the photos that you send in (so that we know that your entry is original and not taken from somewhere off the web). If you don’t do this your entry will be invalid!
Step 3: Take at least one digital photo (however the more the better, and usually at least one with lights on and on with lights off is a good idea) and email it to halolzween[at] Be sure to include: a name for your pumpkin, your real name or nickname that you want shown with your entry on the site and your mailing address for any prizes you might win!
Step 4: All entries must be received by midnight EST on Oct 30th. (Winners will be announced on the 31st).

Additional rules and tips:
• If you send in multiple photos of your work we will post the ones we think look best.
• All entries MUST have at least one photo showing a sign to prevent cheating. There are many video game pumpkin pictures already out there on the internet and if you do not follow this rule we have to assume the pumpkin is not your own work.
• Entries that use a pre-made carving template (like the ones Scott gives out every year) will be accepted, but the odds of you actually winning anything will be extremely low and you will not be eligible for a participation prize!
• Non-video game themed pumpkins will be accepted into the gallery but they are ineligible to win grand prizes.
• You may enter as many pumpkins as you want!

I think that covers all the rules! Good luck!

[An important side note, I have to admit that we had mixed results with fulfilling prizes to winners last year. Of course I am entirely to blame for that, we had A LOT of prize winners, we launched our brand new store around that time, and honestly several contest prize winners fell through the cracks. I have the full winners list here, so if you are one of the people who did not receive a prize from 2010, please email us at the halolzween[at] email and we will resolve all outstanding prizes and get you some bonus gifts as well! Thanks!]

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on October 29, 2011 · 12:39 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (43 votes, average: 4.07 out of 5)
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Contests, Halloween, Holidays, News

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Fred added this since it's a "speed run" contest:

12 replies · active 697 weeks ago
Expecting a lot of pony pumpkins...
18 replies · active 697 weeks ago
Someone do one with Shawn flipping a table and you'll probably win.
2 replies · active 697 weeks ago
Emergency pumpkin ho!

...wait a minute
3 replies · active 697 weeks ago
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
Hey cool, my pumpkin from last year is in the contest logo! Hope my pumpkins do good this year too :D
I was wondering when this would show up. I was afraid it wasn't gonna happen this year. Hope to see some good stuff.
If i knew how to carve pumpkins, i'd make Gordon Freeman holding a crowbar high in the air with the light of the pumpkin shining behind him in glory. Please someone make this.
3 replies · active 697 weeks ago
posting at the last second on a family holiday? shaun your such a troll
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
I'm so PUMPKIN up for this contest.

Wait no that is a sucky pun.
2 replies · active 697 weeks ago
sorry, where I live, halloween has been stolen...
pony pumpkin is about 20% cooler then all other pumpkins
Can someone do one of some of the many fine gentlemen of Halolz?
I can't carve for s--t

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