Ga-Ga-Ga-Ganondorf! Ga-Ga-Ga-Ganondorf! Who knew the guy had his own live-in backup singers?
By Random Encounters, submitted by Sadface and Peter S.
Posted by Shawn Handyside on August 2, 2011 · 8:03 PM |
Categories: Awkward Moments, Bootylicious, Chillaxin', Cosplay, Drugs & Alcohol, Lords of the Dance, Musical, Nintendo, Off Duty, Performances, Secret Items, Shields Up, Stealth Espionage, Strike A Pose, The Legend of Zelda, Video Clips · Leave a comment () 91 Comments |
A tap-dancing Ganondorf with a Nixon voice. Thank you internet. I can't really think of anything else I would ever need to see.
Well excuuuuuuuuuse me, groupies!
That was truly a magnificent beard.
"No, not into the musical number, IT BURRRRNNS! "
If Ganondorfs not careful about his cockiness, Nintendo might kill him off.
…no wait they've done that.
It's okay Ganondorf. Everyone likes your beard. They're all just jealous..
Is…….. Is this what he does while he waits for me to kill him? Geez, Guess i need to be faster next time. So he can't come up with anything ELSE this scary.
WARNING: You may want to be intoxicated before viewing.
Why does he need Zelda when he's got two backup dancing hotties?
i'll agree with the everyone hates your beard, but your cornrolls are fuglier. old OoT gandondorf was such a badass
<img src="" alt="badass ganondorf" />
Those are some real Bro-glins he got to party with him.
Legend of Gannondwarf? Well there's
<img src="">
This changes my aspect towards Ganondorf completely
I wish I could help Ganondorf out. You know, I'd tell him to not sit on his ass waiting for Link to collect a ton of magic items to kill him with.
You lazy bastard! You're not too good to kill Link before he has the Master Sword! DO EET YOU FEWL!
Because he needs tough love to prevail.
i can try. and he was Colonel.
In which case he is still first.
At the end of a Zelda game, this is what I want to walk in on.
I heard Link's song was a silent sleeper on the radio charts…
THEAL41! we have a score to settle
<img src="">
The only thing that would've made this 20% cooler is if , in the beginning, Link was creeping up on the door, heard some snoring, and Navi said "Hey, Listen!!!" THEN Ganondorf burst into his song.
Why does he need Zelda when he has Peach and Daisy?
jesus christ that woman is a whale
There's something about this video that keeps making me watch it. It disturbs me and yet intrigues me.
2 backup singers + 1 captured princess = Cock sucked 3 three times an hour.
2 backup singers + 1 captured princess = Cock sucked 3 times an hour.
This video was 4:35 seconds too long.
MY EYES!!!! rel="nofollow">THE BLEACH DOES NOTHING!!!
now if only nintendo can apply the jiggle physics from this video to their games…..