Looks like Nintendo pulled off possibly the greatest troll in video game history!
By Dorkly
Posted by Shawn Handyside on June 14, 2011 · 2:00 AM |
Categories: Artistic, Awkward Moments, Irony, It's A Trap!, Kinect, Microsoft, Nintendo, Publishers, Sequential Art, Strike A Pose, Systems, Tips & Tricks, Wii, Xbox 360 · Leave a comment () 104 Comments |
Sony: Forever Alone?
I expect all of you guys to say NOTHING but "U MAD MICROSOFT?"
really hope the wii u controller can support 4 controllers instead of just 1
ehem nintendo…
I thought the Water Temple was the greatest prank nintendo ever pulled?
I expected wolf to show up at microsoft's E3 conference but this is even better.
In an unrelated story: hundreds of Microsoft workers in the Xbox company branch have been found dead at their homes by way of suicide.
More at eleven
i dont wanna imagine how the emulator will be…
its the buttons and touchscreen of a DS AND the motion sensor?
god help us all…
Post comic, it ends up on Halolz without any credit given to finder…2nd time in a row…
It's alright. Sony will come up with a peripheral to turn their glowy motion control fairy wand into a controller again! Wait…
"Last E3 post I swear! …Maybe!" -Shawn Handyside
<img src="http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRZemrmHLqQsKNEHWOk_GDEV4R0wvN9vpKAZpSzJPPIM9zwKSS7&t=1"/>
I read somewhere that Halo 4 might have kinect. I would post an ascii Picard facepalm, but the stupid character limit won't let me.
The best part about being the innovator out of the 3 is that you can innovate faster than your competition and leave them in the dust. It's like evolution but with video games!
What did Microsoft expect? It took them YEARS after the Wii to come out with Kinect.
They have learned that others copy them,
2006 "Wii can trap them"
Hey guys remember when the Wii is like two gamecubes taped together, now it seems like the WiiU is like a Xbox360 taped to a PS3!
E3 this year.
<img src="http://lolbot.net/pix/16781.gif">
That is all.
His body wasn't ready for that troll.
"Oh yes and it has an iPad built in, and a DS… and I think one free pet George Clooney"
The Nintendo "Wii UMad, bro?"
Ah nintendo. The same company that made me obsessed with mario now makes me obsessed with giant controllers. CURSE YOU, VILLAIN!
Recent Past: Controller pads with screens
Distant Past: Really, really terrible motion controls
I'm beginning to see a pattern here…
They forgot frame 1.5 where Microsoft says "Oh Sh!t, THIS IS MAKING MONEY!? LET'S DO IT"
ok let me get this straight, Mircosoft and sony copy nintendo. Mircosoft still goes and copys nintendo, while sony is kinda using the technology. Nintendo then goes and copys Apple. 5 bucks says next year mircosoft is going to annouce the X-pad
Didn't Xbox have oversized controllers WAAAAAAY before it was cool?
At least you lost TV Tropes and the evil game it plays with your mind.
tmotom stop trolling, the right is be troll king is MINE!!!
Nah, he had the SNES. Remember?
Inb4 Xbox rips off another Nintendo design
Xbox just got destroyed.
personally,i think nintendo's new console are stupid,i mean,3ds,wii u,what the hell?
they should have stopped after the wii came out,because this just make me realize that i must buy a xbox
but thats just me
THAT is why Nintendo is still a financially sound company. They are the innovators who will lead humanity toward the future (of gaming, at least.)
I think Sony was the one being ripped off by the Kinect. Anyone remember the PlayStation EyeToy™?
How does the wii u work again? Do you buy the consol or does it hook up with your wii consol?