Someone PLEASE post the crafting recipe for that secret weapon!
By CorridorDigital, submitted by several people

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Someone PLEASE post the crafting recipe for that secret weapon!
By CorridorDigital, submitted by several people
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Kind of unrelated, but…
I think I discovered the secret to earning +1's. According to my research, there is a direct relationship between pictures, and +1's. So, if I may, I'd like to conduct an experiment.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v433/mariquita225/My%20Postcard%20Collection/polarbearcubpostcard.jpg" border="0">
Well…when it comes to weapons, that guy sure can pick em.
~Audience laughter as the guy gets eaten by zombies~
Diamond Shotgun? While we're at it, I want a gold wrench.
<img src='http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/9048/screenshot20110221at231.png' border='0'/>
Anyone else watching this think "I know what I'm gonna be for Halloween"?
Y'know what? Minecraft does need more shotgun. And diamonds. And porkchops.
The cardboards are now diamonds
So wait, does that mean you can make shotguns out of different materials!?
Hot damn! Now I want to build a fully functional Wooden Shotgun too!
The recipe requires adminium.
How am I gonna stop that mean mother-hubbin' creeper from blowing up my house?
The answer? Craft a gun.
If that don't work? Craft more gun.
*proceeds to stock pork chops in case of zombie apocalypse*
Okay, who else realised that having a diamond sword is much more efficient and cheaper than using a diamond pick axe?
Wait, why would that one guy at the beginning be fighting with a wooden pickaxe when they already had the ability to create DIAMOND SHOTGUNS.
What jerks.
EDIT: I would have gave you the embed code, but I see you fixed it.
There is a mod that adds simple guns and bullets to the game, and when you face hordes of creepers like I always manage to it doesn't unbalance the game.
Seriously. Creepers in my latest world spawn in no less than groups of three. Biggest one group i ran into -above ground- was five at once. Underground I found a group of eight of 'em. working on a simple vanilla-compatible grenade mod using existing resources.
Needs moar gunpowder.
I guess I should see that bonus video…
*5 hours later*
[img ]http://cdn.themis-media.com/media/global/images/library/deriv/26/26114.jpg[/img]
Silly me, but does this image work? First time posting image here…I presume it's regular [img] code.
You just can't have a Minecraft video without a creeper showing up…
Now I want a L4D mod for Minecraft. Any coders/hackers wanna help me out? :3
Words cannot describe how epic this is…
this video gives me wood :D
Here's a craft recipe:
1st column (top to bottom): Diamond, Flint, Wooden Plank
2nd column: TNT, Gunpowder, TNT
3rd column: Diamond, Iron Ingot, Wood