Seems O’Donnell didn’t appreciate Engie horning in on his trademark meme! If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em I guess!
By Tyler
Posted by Shawn Handyside on August 12, 2010 · 11:50 AM |
Categories: Can't Let You Do That, Growth Spurt, Nintendo, StarFox, Team Fortress 2, Weird · Leave a comment () 60 Comments |
Looks like wolf… got AHEAD of the competition.
It's funny because they share a voice actor.
inb4 Dickneck.
Congratulations! Your Wolf O'Donnell evolved into Nope Wolf!
And at level 36, he evolves into Odd Wolf. It learns Nightmare and Dream Eater right when it evolves
I just gonna leave this here.…
Fox! This guy's on my tail! Can you get him for me?!
*Fox's head smashes through the windshield of the Arwing*
Well, all I can say is that his new Wolfen is gonna be extremely phallic.
Saying that Wolf can't lose is a bit of a stretch.
Fox: "Wolf, I've found your weakness!!! A point blank Falcon Punch to the face!!! Choke on it!!! Inb4can'tletyoudothatstarfox!!!"
Wolf: "Can't let you do tha--*WARGLEBLARGH*
Fox: "Choke on THAT!!!"
Wolf: "NOPE!!! *Neck extends*"
Friends, I'm at 68. Assistance?
but engie never stole his meme, he just said "NOPE" he never said some body couldnt do something… except for the spy…. and he only said nope to his hat because it was floating.
You forgot the .avi
I think we need a "Nope" post tag
No Bad Ideas tag?
Well, looks like…..
I got nothing.
A meme I can't stand combined with a meme I don't get. I fear for the future of this site.
It seems like some people are missing the joke here.
The voice actor for the engineer(Grant Goodeve) also voiced as Wolf in one of the Starfox games.
Now the only thing that is left is an epic struggle between HYES! and NOPE!