Looks like this zombie’s out for payback! Payback for the last time he failed to dry-hump Link to death!
By Nick W.
Posted by Shawn Handyside on July 24, 2010 · 11:09 PM |
Categories: Cover Art, Cray-Z Crossovers, Nintendo, Rockstar, The Legend of Zelda, Uncategorized, Xbox 360, Zombies · Leave a comment () 50 Comments |
Phail whale :I Should be on the Wii due to the face belonging to LoZ x3
…Navi? I uh…I might actually need your help this time.
I am so glad I'm not the only one who thought of this when seeing the game in stores.
That is actually quite terrifying.
As if these guys didn't make me nervous as hell already….
Hey! Listen! Fire the shotgun by pulling the trigger!
Other titles you may enjoy are:
Grand Theft Garuda
Viewtiful Shiek
Ys IV: The Mask of the Majora
He died because a black guy ran into the doctors and took all the medicine
This is what happens if you get gangrene and don't go to hospital…
…also don't do drugs kids
This only reinforces the idea that cowboys are gay.
Link: Ugh…Another back humper. Just stay out of sight and I'll be-
Link: GAH!! What the fuck?! Where the hell?! Oh no… Oh GOD no. Oh god GET AWAY FROM ME!!! YAAAHH GAAAAHH!!!!!
This will be in DLC in a year or so. :P
Great, now he can hogtie you so you can't escape while he dry humps you.
Either he dry humps you, or he blows your head off and desecrates your corpse. Either way, you're gonna get raped.
*sees the rating*
Does that stand for rape?
Explore the Wild West! Shoot up a saloon! Hold up a train!
I rode in a gang
Left me for dead when i got-
ZombieGoatse is a cowboy?
This is the most hilarious and horrifying and creepy thing I have ever seen. Although I'm not sure if I'll have nightmares with such a paradox…
(( Typical action movie announcer voice. ))
A town wracked with hardship
Monsters of all kinds loosed upon the defenseless Hyrulians.
A Hero is called upon.
He's A loose cannon Zombie who doesn't play by the rules.
His Shotgun and stunvoice are his only companions as he hunts down the infamous Link. And epic showdown in Kakariko Village is bound to ensue.
Two will enter. One will be raped.
This is. . .
The return of the Pelvic thrust.
In theaters February 33rd
Slowest. Game. Ever.
Why hold the gun in the cover? Re-Deads just rape everything to death.
Grats Shawn,2 sexy posts in a row.
One ruining my childhood,the other making me shudder.
Top of the line.
Proof that not all crossovers are good things, especially for green-garbed boys…
The rating should be FR. For Face Rape.
Also made by Rotstar.
Rated AO for explicit sexual content.
..Even though Re-Deads techinically don't have penises…
Why do i even bother to help Link he never listens. No one understands me.
*sobs in corner*
i feel kinda stupid for not noticing this…