Marcus Smith is in ur zoo, turning ur aminals into pokeymons!

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Categories: Nintendo, No Caption Needed, Photo Op, Pokémon, The Great Outdoors, Too Much Free Time, Weird ![]() · Leave a comment (No Comments) ![]() |
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That’s cool.
-refuses to post before second-
that is old, but still amazingly done.
I never care if its old or not.
Anyway, Cubone is fucking awesome- and this picture is, also, awesome.
Very old, but it’s still pretty awesome looking.
Older than time, and so’s the bone.
Makes it even more awesome.
But awesome.
Where they got the skull and bone: fresh from a dino corpse, b/c this pic is so fricken’ old
this may be old but it dosent effect the awesomeness of it!
Worth1000.com had a whole collection of these for a contest they ran. This was one of the better ones, but there were also a lot more.
Why are people sending so many Ye Olde ones in? You should only send in your own work.
so old, and you can easily tell the skull is photoshopped on .-.
still, i likes cubone. he’s mah fave in PMD: red rescue team :3
I’m not sure if it’s case of people not sending in new creations or the creations being overlooked for stuff like this and the giant pikachu (cool and funny but old).
I do know I got 3 original creations I’m hoping pop up someday.
Maybe most don’t get past quality control?
The “Too much Free Time” tag gets this a 3/5 up from 2/5.
Real life charizard is the best :3
Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t that a maruwak? the evolved form of cubone. cubone has a broken bone for a weapon and a maruwak has an intact bone.
I have always wondered…if a cubone wears the skull of it’s mom how many skulls could their mom possibly have? cuz I can’t really see multiple cubones wearing the same skull (talk about a headache) and do they kill their moms’? (my ditto is still alive)
“Smell ya later”
^ According to the official sprites and Sugimori art, Cubone’s bone is as equally intact as its evolution.
And you don’t need a mom with lots of heads, you just need a lot of moms. :D No, seriously. If Jeff the Maori has 7 dads…
As for the picture, top-notch shopping I say. Found source through KeybladeBandit: http://www.worth1000.com/contest.asp?contest_id=4767 (scroll down)
yes we know its old!! stop telling us
its old, but made of pure gold
@Nick Soapdish
well, I just mentioned that is old, I’m not criticizing or something.
it’s as awesome as always! made me go searching for the other pokemon.
Rapidash is so cool… it’s like Scadufax in flames. :D
Stop with the “old” spam! WE GET IT ALREADY!!! We don’t need 50 comments saying that it is old.
The picture is super awesome anyway. 5/5
I remember the Rapidash being real good. I also lieked the real Mudkip.
Wonderful oldy but goody.
Just gonna remind you all that it’s old, because it shows off the fact that I believe to have seen it before most of you while simultaneously putting down the person who sent it in. I rule.
d’aaawww its so cute :3
Old? I never seen this before (same with the pikachu one). Anyway, this is really good. Cubones are emo though D: Also ANIMAL ABUSE!!!!oneone!1oneShift+1!!!
@ rikimilenium It doesn’t look like it’s photoshopped. I didn’t know it was photoshopped. It’s photoshopped pretty damn well i think.
someone should post that one picture of golbat.
Hey that’s a really cute render. I wants to hug ‘im. :3
if i were to imagine what a real cubone would look like, this is about right on.
You’re an inspiration to children everywhere…
hey did anyone mention this was old? i mean, serious does no one get that this is old? It’s like I could post a hundred comments saying how old it is and no one would get it…..
*reads other comments*
oh wait….
For the sake of being a total ass to everyone who has said:
“OmG!!!1 SOTp SayIgn itS olD!!!!!111!!1one!1!1elventy-one!!1!two!”
-er than George Washington.
epiiiiiiiiiiic :D
Fucking awesome!
These “old” comments are getting ooolllldddd.
I thought Cubone was a dinosaur. Why is he furry?
This is older than Pokemon itself!!!111oneone
i hadn’t seen this before
but then i be not a seasoned net-trawler
and it’s cool… but not that amazing, didn’t make me laugh for example
so for lulz thassa 2/5
’tis Cute
Almost as old as Joan Rivers. Almost.
Is it wrong for me to want one?