Falcon Dive

Falcon Dive Comic

Is Falcon hoping for an out of court settlement? HYES!
By Taho-Gitwick, submitted by codemaster525

The Creation of Mario

The Creation of Mario

When Miyamato came up with Mario, this is EXACTLY how I pictured it going down.
An amazing parody of Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam by TsaoShin, submitted by Leo058 and GameGeneral.

[VIDEO] Sonic and Mario’s Awkward Reunion

Sooooo… uh… do we our order now or…
From CollegeHumor

Two Girls, One-Up Tattoo

Two Girls, One-Up Tattoo

So I had a few people point this out to me on Ugliest Tattoos (not sure why it’s on there, it doesn’t look too bad if you ask me!)

I’m not quite sure if it’s real or a Photoshop, but if it’s real… man, I totally want to send that girl a bunch of free Ninja-Bot stuff! I mean, how often do you get to see someone with one of your designs tattooed on their back?!

He is not a real doctor.

WARNING: Do not let Dr. Mario touch your genitals. He is not a real doctor.

In fact, Dr. Mario’s never even been to med school! I’d definitely ask for a second opinion!
Found by Peter Payne

Well, you’re certainly faster than Mario.

Well, you’re certainly faster than Mario.

ZING! Well he is the fastest thing alive…
Artist prefers to stay anonymous, submitted by keirich

[MERCH] Two Girls, One-Up T-Shirt

Two Girls, One-Up T-Shirt

Ugh, not that I’m super behind or anything, but I’m finally “officially” announcing the new
Two Girls, One-Up t-shirt! (available at Ninja-Bot)

You can tell Daisy’s into it, but I think Peach is just experimenting!
Grab yours today! 2000+ diggs can’t be wrong!


TENTACLE HENTAI - not even brawl is safe

Huh. When it comes to kinky stuff, I always thought he liked to (Mr. Game &) watch!
Ba dum dum ching!
Submitted by Gabriel Sanchez

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