What if Kratos were in every game?

What if Kratos were in every game?

I know how much you guys love Kratos, so when I heard a website called IDDQD had taken the liberty of photoshopping him into a bunch of other games, I figured you guys would be thrilled to see the results!
[via Joystiq]

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A shot by shot re-enactment of a typical Mario Kart race! Well except I’ve never seen Mario give the cops the finger before…
Another video by Rémi Gaillard, submitted by anonymous.
For more of his hi-jinks check out Remi Kart 1 and Real Life Pac-Man!

Waluigi TIME Magazine

Waluigi TIME Magazine

Wah wah wah! I’mma gonna win! …first place in Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people of the Mushroom Kingdom!
Submitted by abehunter125

Super Smash Bros. Dinner Party

Super Smash Bros. Dinner Party
Click here for full view!

Luigi decided to invite everyone over to his place for Thanksgiving! What a nice guy!
Hmm speaking of which, where is our illustrious host?
Artist unknown, submitted by Victory63

Super Mario Zombies

Super Mario Zombies

Okay, last zombie pic for a while… I swear! I just can’t resist an undead Mario Bros. group shot! Also sidenote, if a zombie eats Toad is that like their equivalent of being a vegetarian?
Photo by Marko Saari

[VIDEO] What if KIRBY had lyrics?

I’ve always said Kirby was a monstrosity. I mean we have photo evidence!
But more importantly the shirts Brent wears in this latest video are DAMN SEXY.
By brentalfloss, submitted by AuraMaIster and smashpro1

[VIDEO] Captain Falcon VS Brawl

What do you mean Captain Falcon is bottom tier in Brawl? NOT IN MY BOOK!
Also don’t forget to stick around after the credits!
By target=”_blank”>MegaBlasta. submitted by Randoman_88



Seriously… why would anyone sign up for a job protecting the princess? There’s a kidnapping attempt on her almost every day, and in Smash Bros. things are even more dangerous!

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