Thursday, March 27, 2025

I’ve lost control of her, Commander!

I've lost control of her, Commander!

Shepard! We seem to be caught in some sort of gravitational vortex!


saves the galaxy multiple times

Not that he’s in it for the promotions, but really isn’t he about due?

[VIDEO] Art of the Instakill


Video Game Pornos

Video Game Pornos 1
Video Game Pornos 2

Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?
A collection of video game themed porno box art by Porrskadad
(more after the jump, if you really need more of this!)
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Catherine Effect 2

Catherine Effect 2

It should be noted… this crossover by ZigEnfruke makes a lot more sense if you’re familiar with Atlus’ Catherine!

[VIDEO] Mass Effect: The Animated Series

Sorry for the break, I was out sick! I spent most of my recovery time in bed watching cartoons…  and this one is my new favorite!
By Harry Partridge, submitted by smashpro1

Commander Fawkes

Commander V

Who needs a Guy Fawkes mask when you’re as naturally handsome as Shepard?
Submitted by Scootaloo

I’m Commander Obama…

I'm Commander Obama...

I’m Commander Obama… and this is the most presidential Shepard on the Citadel!
Submitted by VGScoot

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