If this game’s a rockin’, don’t come a knockin’!
By GoldenMoustacheVideo
Categories: Adult Situations , Awkward Moments , Capcom , Eidos , Electronic Arts , Foreign Object , Grand Theft Auto , Metal Gear Solid , Nintendo , Pokémon , Portal , Power-Ups , Rockstar , SimCity/The Sims , Street Fighter , Tetris , Tomb Raider , Valve Software , Video Clips
At first I was skeptical, but after watching this I have to agree there actually was a hell of a lot of boats showing up in the video games at this year’s E3.
By FirstPlayUK , submitted by spplmjALOLZ
Categories: Accessories , Aerial Maneuvers , Aliens , Assassin's Creed , Conventions , Drugs & Alcohol , Explosives , Playstation , Sony , SoulCalibur IV , Tomb Raider , Ubisoft , Uncategorized , Under the Sea , Video Clips , Xbox 360
I know how much you guys love Kratos, so when I heard a website called IDDQD had taken the liberty of photoshopping him into a bunch of other games, I figured you guys would be thrilled to see the results !
[via Joystiq ]
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Categories: Activision , Angry Birds , Atlus , Blizzard , Call of Duty , Cover Art , Cray-Z Crossovers , Disguises , Doom , Eidos , Electronic Arts , Fallout , God of War , ID Software , Insomniac Games , Kid Icarus , NES , Nintendo , PC , Playstation , Portal , Prince of Persia , Rayman Raving Rabbids , Resistance: Fall of Man , Retro , Sega , SNES , Sony , Strike A Pose , Super Mario Bros , Swordplay , Tomb Raider , Ubisoft , Uncategorized , Valve Software , Wii , World of Warcraft
Should it worry me that this song sums up my entire life in four minutes? Nah…
By PopeFriction , submitted by KHPandaZ and smashpro1
Categories: Accessories , Activision , Arcade , Atari , BioWare , Blizzard , Bomberman , Bungie , Call of Duty , Capcom , Castlevania , Christmas , Donkey Kong , Doom , Dreamcast , Duke Nukem , Electronic Arts , Fallout , Final Fantasy , Gameboy , Genesis , God of War , Grand Theft Auto , Guitar Hero/Rock Band , Half-Life , Halo , ID Software , Kingdom Hearts , Kirby , Konami , LucasArts , Mario Kart , Mass Effect , Maxis , Mega Man , Metal Gear Solid , Metroid , Microsoft , Monkey Island , Mortal Kombat , Musical , N64 , Neo Geo , NES , Nintendo , Nintendo DS , Oregon Trail , Pac-Man , PC , Playstation , Pokémon , Political , Pong , Prince of Persia , Rare , Red Ring of Death , Resident Evil , Retro , Sega , SimCity/The Sims , SNES , Sonic the Hedgehog , Sony , Space Invaders , Square Enix , Star Wars , Starcraft , StarFox , Super Mario Bros , Super Smash Bros , Systems , Tetris , The Legend of Zelda , Things Are Heating Up , Tomb Raider , TV Shows , Ubisoft , Uncategorized , Video Clips , Wii , Williams/Midway , World of Warcraft , Xbox 360
Huh, I guess Mama isn’t the only video game girl who knows how to cook!
This cool piece of art (for a French video game mag) by Ruth Steen ,
submitted by codemaster525
Categories: Anime , Artistic , Best Friends 4-Eva , Cooking Mama , Cray-Z Crossovers , Final Fantasy , Foreign Object , Metroid , Nintendo DS , No Caption Needed , Now We're Cookin' , Resident Evil , SoulCalibur IV , Street Fighter , Super Mario Bros , Taito , Tasty Treats , Teamwork , The Legend of Zelda , Tomb Raider , Uncategorized , Wii