When you add Mario sounds, crushing people to death with your fighter plane seems downright adorable!
By DerpShark, submitted by Zach H.
Posted by Shawn Handyside on March 13, 2012 · 1:59 PM |
Categories: Aerial Maneuvers, Cray-Z Crossovers, Electronic Arts, Heavy Weapons, Moving Violations, NES, Nintendo, PC, Playstation, Power-Ups, Retro, Smashy Smashy, Super Mario Bros, Uncategorized, Video Clips, Xbox 360 · Leave a comment () 33 Comments |
Shoulda used the 1-Up sound for using the defib.
Yeah, I take out my enemies by simply ramming them with the 'chopper, how else would you… what do mean "Why don't you just use the guns?"… wait, the helicopter had guns?!
Mario's theme fits everything?
<img src="http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/264/241/9e9.gif">
That's not so hard.
Try just nailing them with the wing tip while turned sideways.
Sorry Sarge! Your evac is at another extraction point!
Jets and war with Mario sound effects? rel="nofollow">Bitch Please
Uggghhh Your making it very hard to avoid buying this game shawn…
I like this one more, but that may be because Birgirpall is a well-practiced troll.
rel="nofollow"> rel="nofollow">…
Well, when is crushing people not adorable. I find it very relaxing.
I demand rideable Yoshis as DLC.
I may or may not have experienced something like this video in an actual game.
It may or may not have been an 8 year old just making explosion sounds over the mike.
I may or may not have also been on drugs.
<img src="http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g278/Ovahdrive/JSBYb.jpg" height="50%" width="50%">
I watched this wondering "why do I play CoD MW3 instead of this?"
"oh right, all my friends play CoD."
"Why do my friends play CoD?"
"My friends are all idiots."
"why do I play CoD with them?"
Fellow commentors, please finish
"What's a battle?"
That's a big raccoon tail…..oh wait……
… Seeing that I don't have something witty to say, nor there are forums to say this kind of stuff; I'll just say it here.
XSEED just confirmed today that "Ys: Oath in Felghana" and "Ys: Origins" are getting a steam release! "Oath in Felghana" is going to be available at March 19 at US$14,99 (But origins don't have any information about that).
And, there will be support to Steam Cloud (Even Online Leaderboards) and Steam Archievements (OiF is going to have over 30+ archievements)
Check over XSEED Facebook page for future updates!
Whoever taught that soldier to fly probably pissed himself during the lesson.
Holy jumping christ, is THAT what this game looks like?
*runs off to buy it*