Friday, March 14, 2025


Too good to be true. It’d make a great item, though!
By NeoGaf user Nibel.

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Posted by Fred "Trunks" Wood on December 7, 2013 · 7:00 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (80 votes, average: 4.54 out of 5)
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Depressing, Super Smash Bros, The Legend of Zelda

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It can be a moon if it wants to be, dude.
6 replies · active 587 weeks ago
It can be a moon if it wants to, it can leave its friends behind...♫♪
'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance
Well they're no friends of mine
I say, we can crash where we want to (O_O)
Make it a place they will never find
And we can act like we come from out of this world
Leave the real time far behind
It can be a moon if it wants to...

I'm sorry...I could help it.
You are in a very musical mood these days.
Which is ironic cause I don't have a single musical bone in my body. Not a one.
What the..? How did I get back on Tumblr?
This is completely unrelated, but I can never not laugh at that picture. Your name doesn't help much either.
More like imgur, actually.

More Smash Bros....SOON.

I'm just glad that Megaman and Sonic are in it. I'd LIKE the following characters but most of them I know aren't going to happen:

1. Veiwtiful Joe (Henshin A Go-Go Baby!!!!)
2. Knuckles the Echidna
3. Geno from Super Mario RPG
4. Lucina or any number of the Fire Emblem Awakening Characters BESIDES MARTH (We know, we get it, you'll be in every game STFU pretty boy)
5. Rosalina from Super Mario Galaxy (We just need more female variety to begin with)
6. Krystal from Star Fox
7. Magnus from Kid Icarus Uprising
33 replies · active 586 weeks ago
I'd rather they just announce SOMEBODY, anybody new. I don't care(much) if it's someone I don't even want.
What about Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles?
You seem upset~
Well, it's just that in the Fire Emblem games, he's like in EVERY one. Was he really THAT badass or are they putting him on a pedestal for no reason? I mean, give Chrom a chance.
Although I agree that we should have more new Fire Emblem characters, with Chrom and Lucina(mostly Lucina) being two I would definitely want to see in the game, they aren't really putting Marth on a pedestal for no reason.

He's the original Lord. He's starred in two to three games including the original and quite frankly he's THE original Fire Emblem hero. Western Audiences don't really see him that way because the first time we saw him was in Melee as that top tier character that doesn't speak english. Hell his appearance and popularity from Melee is half the reason we ever even saw an english Fire Emblem.

So really Marth is a very defining character of Fire Emblem in almost the same way Link is for Zelda or Mario is for...Mario. He's not always the protagonist but he's a very influential and important character ingame and out.

TL;DR: I want new Fire Emblem characters too but in a game like Smash Bros. it makes little sense to not have Marth.
I agree, you can't get rid of Marth. He's the legendary hero king and all that.

Fire Emblem wise I'd like to see a pegasus knight the most, so Caeda/Shiida since they are pretty iconic to Fire Emblem.

Personally I'd love Palutena to be playable the most or Waluigi.
LOL would that be with or without said pegasus?

Yeah, IDK about a God (Palutena) being a contender...I support the idea, but would that be fair? XD
Well, she does have an established boss fight in the most recent Kid Icarus game. If you do the fight wrong, Pit can kill her and game over, so that establishes her as actually killable too.
I never could wrap my head around that. Pit is no God, yet can harm one...LOL if Magnus could kill her then I'd throw logic out the window.
"he's in like EVERY one"

Hey I'd like to direct you to Fire Emblems 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Awakening also which only mentions Marth as opposed to actually puts him in.
I don't mind if someone's new to a series but don't go around spreading blatant lies about a franchise you obviously don't know much about.

It's basically become a thing where it's not a Fire Emblem game without mention/depiction of him in some way shape or form. He's basically Fire Emblem Jesus.
..noooooo. That's still completely incorrect. That's like saying a Final Fantasy game isn't a FF game without some mention or depiction of Cloud.

Fire Emblem 4 held two generations, neither of which involved Marth.
Fire Emblem 5 also had no Marth.
Fire Emblem 6 was Roy's game on a completely different continent.
Fire Emblem 7 is a prequel to 6. Still no mention of Marth whatsoever.
Fire Emblem 8 is its totally own thing.
9 and 10 are game and sequel. Zero mention of Marth.
Even if you want to count Awakening then you might as well start calling Ike the God of Fire Emblem too since his super distant descendant is the final unit you can recruit through the free Spotpass maps.
Marth was essentially just in two games which both got remakes and that's that. That's not even a majority of the series, just the most appearances as a Lord. And not even by much.
If you want to count the fact that just because there are other Lords in the game you might as well start saying that every class and subclass in a running JRPG series is a replica of adoration always based on the original, which is stupid.
He just gets special representation because he was the first ever Lord of the series but even barring that, the devs clearly have some bias towards making other Lords (Ike and Hector being the biggest examples for worship) much better.

Again, if you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to something, it's better you just don't go around spreading whatever the hell you heard from whoever fed you that fallacy.
We take our Fire Emblem seriously on this site, I see.
Ever since 2010, yo :V
I'm just getting into the series myself, racked with indecision over class progression.
That's not Lyn.
Damn straight it's not.
Actually... if we're including DLC Marth does technically appear in awakening. But you do bring up a good point for the rest of the Fire Emblems. Not trying to be mean I'll... I'll just slink away.
Well to be fair I don't really count that since all the other Lords are practically DLC too. And to emphasize that, there's also Streetpass units, and that goes even past Lords.
Not counting remakes/DLC, Marth is in... two out of eleven games. Three if you count him being mentioned in Awakening.

He lost a lot of his personality in the Shadow Dragon remake. In the original he was very childish and immature, but grew quickly through his adventure and saved the world. Marth forged a legacy as a peace-loving king who talked even some of his biggest enemies out of war, and essentially became a myth due to that.

He is just that amazing. That's exactly why Lucina chose to pose as him, and why Tiki and Naga hold him on a pedestal.

So as much as I'd love to see my darling daughter in a playable slot, Marth gets priority.
This is the same series that says they don't want clones but uses the same moveset for G-dorf and Capt Falcon and have actual clones with different meth settings (The Linkio brothers), a set of hands as a final boss, and a yoga instructor. I'm sure Sakurai would also put in someone like Crash Bandicoot just because he can. I'm not being sarcastic, I can really see him doing it.
I really want Chrom to be in ssb4. More than I have ever wanted another character for a smash bros game (besides Megaman).
1. (No argument)
2. We got Sonic. Knuckles would be kinda redundant.
3. (No argument)
4. We could give Marth a Lucina alt skin, like how Wario had his two outfits. Otherwise, I would like to see other FE characters as well, though not necessarily Awakening. Where is Hector?!
5. What would her moveset be? Another skin for Peach?
6. (No argument)(Seriously, we could use at least one game where she uses HER OWN STAFF)
7. Why? And who is that anyway?
Knuckles has big fists, can dig (possibly popping up from under the stage for massive KO power). Gliding would be no problem with his dreadlocks, he'd have one hell of an uppercut, and I'd like him more than having a separate slot for either tails or Shadow (Shadow can just be an alt skin for Sonic).

No idea on Rosalina's moveset, but that whole magic wand and spinning thing totally could be used as a kick ass power.

I'm cool with Shulk from Xenoblade: Chronicles being on the roster as well I suppose (despite never playing the game).

Also, Magnus (Kid Icarus: Uprising):
We need an underworld stage where every time someone gets knocked out, Hades makes fun of them.

"Oh, poor Samus! Looks like she's first to go? Did Adam not authorize winning?"
That sounds glorious.
That could be Hades' belly. I do believe that's a stage.
Top points for magnus, he could be a our next Ike.
Maybe they could include Wonder Red from The Wonderful 101, he be similar to Oliver mixed with the Pokemon Trainer. He would use his own abilities, but has a major wonder one following him, you change between them with down-b, and the one you have out affects the b-moves. The final smash would be all of the wonderful ones come together and does a unite _____ based on your wonder one.
Are you Chuggaaconroy in disguise, or is this just some coincidence with how much he mentioned Magnus for SSB in his KI:U playthrough?
I, for one, want someone from Tales of Symphonia. Either Kratos (Aurion, you fools, not....THAT one) or Mithos/Yggdrasill.

Because Nintendo Gamecube.
If they did bring in someone from ToS, it would likely be Lloyd. You know, him being the main character and all.
First panel - That is the most disturbing O I've ever seen.
And in other news: Most if not all coastal cities have been hit by a tsunami, flooded, sunk, washed away by the tide, flooded again and hit by three more tsunamis. More as the situation develops.
And all i can think is "God damnit MOONMOON"
well just yesterday they announced a skull kid assist trophey. thats probably the closest we'll get to this.
Blathers: "No."
I don't know if I should be amazed or appalled that Admiral Akbar didn't make an appearance.

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