Back in my day our controller screens were black & white and only 1″ x 1.5″… and it was good enough for us!
Posted by Shawn Handyside on December 1, 2012 · 1:20 PM |
Categories: Accessories, Dreamcast, Retro, Sega, Systems · Leave a comment () 83 Comments |
And there's no hassle with charging since it was always connected to the device.
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Did somebody order some nostalgia?
Where is your touchscreen God now?
And it was still unnecessary…
Exactly; it wasn't cool enough.
Virtual Boy: Had 3D before it was cool, 3DS. Doesn't necessarily make it better though.
Poor Dreamcast. Sega's last breath in the console industry…
Actually, I'm pretty sure the JP folks could plug their GBC into an N64 and use it as a controller first.
Ah man… another reason why Dreamcast was ahead of its time. Brings a tear to my eye, it does.
I could never get my VMU to work properly with the damn Chao garden… but dammit I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
I still have my dreamcast somewhere…
I hate it when I feel like I cannot contribute towards the humor of a post. I have never played the Dreamcast or any of those other retro consoles.
<div class="idc-message" id="idc-comment-msg-div-507018227"><a class="idc-close" title="Click to Close Message" href="javascript: IDC.ui.close_message(507018227)"><span>Close Message</span> Comment posted. <p class="idc-nomargin"><a class="idc-share-facebook" onclick="IDC.ui.fb_wrapper(507018227)" href="javascript: void(null)" style="text-decoration: none;"><span class="idc-share-inner"><span>Share on Facebook</span></span> or <a href="javascript: IDC.ui.close_message(507018227)">Close MessageAnd then it dies before the year is out….now you just have a normal memory card.
true story
I love the Dreamcast! What an awesome name for a console. Mine always has problems reading discs and will often stop mid-gameplay because of it.. :(
Did you know the last Dreamcast game was made in 2010? The more you know!
Edit: Actually it turns out I'm wrong.. RedSpotGames is currently making a game for the Dreamcast called Sturmwind. It's dated to be released before this year is over.
I was born around the time NES and N64 ruled the gaming time.
Never owned a dreamcast, but I know who and why they made it.
Some alternate reality somewhere, the new Sega Revelations came out over 10 years after the Nintendo's last ditch attempt at sweeping the console market with the N64 failed miserably.
NINTENDO! Making old ideas look new because the first iterations were crap. The Macintosh of gaming.
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PLEASE tell me i ain't the only one who remembers this game
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Sadly a game like sonic adventure 2 could not get such an awesome remake like the whole "screen in controller" thing did.
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not really
I remember the Dreamfast… Uhhh it had games like Sonic, I wasn't a Nintendo kid at all. Saga all the way! <img src=>
I call foul! The screen was on the Memory card, not in the controller!
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