Of course the long term effects have been proven. But who cares, I want to play nooooow!

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Categories: Animated, NES, Nintendo, Retro, Tips & Tricks, TV Shows ![]() · Leave a comment (74 Comments) ![]() |
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There's a joke here about blowing and good times…nah, can't place it.
Throw cartridge into system game, turns on first try.
Feel like a god the rest of the day…
at least until someone nudges it ever so slightly.
According to this blowing into a cartridge can give you a bad time later on. So there's only one cart that needs to blow.
<img src="http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/7/76/BLU_Bombcart.png" width="112" height="120">
Strangely enough, cartridges STILL have less problems than Discs.
<img src="https://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/12/6/6/oY4Smk6eLEKo2omNPEN0TA2.jpg" />
[youtube uCLOxK6FpfA rel="nofollow"> youtube]
<img src="http://images.nintendolife.com/news/2012/09/blowing_on_nes_cartridges_is_actually_bad_for_them/attachment/0/large.jpg">
Sorry if this is off-topic, but I just realized…
<img src="http://blu.stb.s-msn.com/i/48/5C35CD3BCCB4B7BAD224732E33CF.jpg">
<img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_WAi2txkagVM/SfWR8_tRy_I/AAAAAAAAFXQ/LCvzn_YRiLQ/s400/borat_banana_hammock.jpg">
If you catch MissingNo…
You're gonna have a bad time.
But… leaving it as is was the easiest way to unlock Level Select on Sonic 3D Blast!
Explanation: http://tcrf.net/Sonic_3D_Blast_%28Genesis%29#Clev…
I used to not be a fan of this meme. I'm still not, but I used to too.
Huh huhuh huh huh, he said cartridge.
<img src=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2167/2519498877_dcd991bdeb_m.jpg>
Who wants to bet that Zoe has something in her "happy-times" folder for this post as well?
He pizza'd when he should have french fried.
*note to self: visit Dominos and McDonalds on the way home. Consume new meal called Pizza Fry or Fryza.
I guess dust in the cartridges don't mess up the in-game texts.
This video game power intrigues the Reilly.
<img src="http://i47.tinypic.com/qyie15.jpg" alt="Reilly" height="300" width="300">
<img src="http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2010/4/27/129168880087098315.gif">
Sorry to be a buzzkill here, but…
<img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mav7ld3Vgu1qas8z9o1_500.png">
"I want to play nooooow!
[youtube r3ubLOKbx-Y rel="nofollow"> youtube]
I can't possibly be the only one who gets sick watching a glitched screen, no?
Years from now into the future:
*Kid looking through Halolz submissions by clicking the random button*
…car… what? Is that like those scratches they had on those discs?
A few years back, a clerk at a retro game store told me that blowing into cartridges was actually bad for the games. But I'm pretty sure every gamer ever has proven that one wrong.
But I'm not that flexible….
i wipe my DS carts now and then.
I wonder how many users on this site are old enough to remember when the "naughty" channels looked like this image.