Nothing to do with video games, but I laughed so hard I’m posting it anyway. BA’NOODLE!
By Jabo0odyDubs

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Categories: Serious Business, Tasty Treats, Tips & Tricks, TV Shows, Video Clips ![]() · Leave a comment (46 Comments) ![]() |
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It's amazing how many ways to waste our money exist these days.
This ain't vidya, wut?
Never mind, it's Jabo0odyDubs. Worth it.
better be careful, someone may Ba'noddle the SHIT out of you if you piss them off, or make them very happy, I can't tell which it sounds more like
As the guy earlier on this thread said, whacking your Jag is completely relevent to anything!
This irrelevant sentence is brought to you by the SPUF, and Shawn Handyside
Hard to argue with Shawn's sunglasses.
<img src="http://i50.tinypic.com/15vhw1.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
Not videogame related?
<img src="http://emotibot.net/pix/1988.png">
Now it is.
This isn't video game related…
But Halolz only posts cheesy jokes about video games!
Ba'noodle sounds like a verb invented by Strong Bad during a TGS segment. Like a spaghetti monster eats Whats-Her-Face and mumbles a non-sequitor… "BA-NOODLE'D"!
Also, Cheerleader wouldn't go out with Shawn until he fixed the forums. Aw peas.
Go to bed, Shawn.
Stale foods?
Freddie Mercury knows that feel
<img src="http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/162/317/2vA1a.png?1313349760">
Those look like gummy worms, and it doesn't say anywhere that I'm not supposed to eat them…
What could go wrong?
Not video game related???
<img src="http://i.minus.com/ibzgHvntzSYyxr.gif">
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang on……
Hasn't Jacksfilms done this kinda stuff beforehand?
WAIT…. maybe this came before Jacksfilms….
OHGOD what if I've exposed myself as a Stupid Scrub!?
Oh no…. the thumbs…… they're bearing down….. THEY'RE BEARING DOW-
I was wondering if i had to deal with it if i hit that link….
I clicked
Unsurprisingly, I had to Ba'deal with it
Not game related….
<img src="http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae275/Laxiel/schrodinger-hellsing-walkingonsunsh.gif" />
Back to my Hellsing fanfic it is!
Is it just me or did he sound like Egoraptor at the end when he used his normal voice?
You can banoodle those pesky wires together. This isn't irrelevant, its INNOVATION! :O
How is this not game related? you can use it to keep chips from going stale. are you trying to tell us that you don't eat chips when you play games Shawn?
Not video game relat- Not video game related?!
<img src="http://i315.photobucket.com/albums/ll478/Zokort/2c1.gif">
It was nice knowing you Halolz. We shall all see each other again when Shawn decides that drugs are indeed bad for your brain.
Halolz not making video game funnies: *blows dust off old post*
<img src="http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r196/geek_marine/skyrimiamerror.jpg" width="444">
Gary Oak disaproves the lack of video games
<img src=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/305/092/c37.png>
Not video game related?
I think I'll dust this thing off that, ya know, I posted back on the *coughforumcough*
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/wfH9m.jpg">
I'm going to pull a "Captain Obvious" here but…where's the video game references?!? Since when did we become memebase.com / funnymama.com / 9gag.com???
I'm fucking banoodled at this perplexing, picnic of pandemonium.
Not video game related?
This may be useful:
<img src="http://www.kevinism.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/panic-button.jpg">
I think I can salvage this! The narrator Jabo0ody kiiinda sounds like Egoraptor, sort of. Therefore, it's videogame related!